Featured Product

MetricsCube Business Analytics For WHMCS Icon
MetricsCube Business Analytics

MetricsCube Business Analytics For WHMCS

Chosen by 1719 customers

MetricsCube is the ultimate reporting platform integrated seamlessly with WHMCS on an unparalleled scale to let you access exclusive insights into the previously undiscovered realms of your business performance.

MetricsCube Connector For WHMCS is a free module that synchronizes all your WHMCS data with MetricsCube to let you benefit from nearly 90 advanced reports and real-time statistics related to billing, domains, services, clients, and much more. As another bonus, the module enriches your WHMCS admin area with new channels of information in the form of additional tooltips, tabs and widgets, coupled with customer tags that can be tailored to your preferences.

Deal Of The Week 15% Off Extra!

Hetzner Cloud Servers For WHMCS Icon
Hetzner Cloud Servers
$199.95 $169.95/yr

Hetzner Cloud Servers For WHMCS

Chosen by 293 customers

Introduce automation of provisioning for Hetzner servers, allow clients to adjust the status of ordered machines, as well as enter the remote console from your WHMCS.

Deal Of The Day UP TO 10% Off Extra!

Product Cross-Selling For WHMCS Icon
Product Cross-Selling
$99.95 $89.95/yr

Product Cross-Selling For WHMCS

Chosen by 242 customers

Create detailed relations between your products and recommend to clients other attractive services that can be purchased together with their primary products in cart.

Unban Center For WHMCS Icon
Unban Center
$99.95 $94.95/yr

Unban Center For WHMCS

Chosen by 320 customers

Allow your clients to remotely unban their IP addresses in control panels and VPS servers while you manage unban permissions. Build your own submodules for desired systems.

Popular Products

Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS Icon
Lagom One Step
Order Form

Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS

Chosen by 479 customers

Implement an on-trend order form that is filled out in one or two steps, apply various customization options and extra elements like a package slider or domain spotlights.

Payment Gateway Charges For WHMCS Icon
Payment Gateway Charges

Payment Gateway Charges For WHMCS

Chosen by 712 customers

Include extra fees and discounts for the usage of a given payment gateway, define application conditions, select chargeable products and clients exempt from discounts.

SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS Icon
SolusVM Extended Cloud

SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS

Chosen by 367 customers

Empower your clients to freely create, resize and upgrade virtual servers within put resource limit, enable remote access to consoles and other profits in WHMCS.

EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS Icon
EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers

EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS

Chosen by 2608 customers

Offer dedicated servers of EasyDCIM in your WHMCS, automate delivery and handling of flexible products as well as empower your clients to oversee ordered servers remotely.

Recently Updated

Hetzner Cloud Servers For WHMCS Icon
Hetzner Cloud Servers
$199.95 $169.95/yr

Hetzner Cloud Servers For WHMCS

Chosen by 293 customers

Introduce automation of provisioning for Hetzner servers, allow clients to adjust the status of ordered machines, as well as enter the remote console from your WHMCS.

Servertastic SSL For WHMCS Icon
Servertastic SSL

Servertastic SSL For WHMCS

Chosen by 992 customers

Supply SSL certificates to your customers automatically, view their configuration status and handle all features remotely plus allow careful product oversight in your client area.

Product Cross-Selling For WHMCS Icon
Product Cross-Selling
$99.95 $89.95/yr

Product Cross-Selling For WHMCS

Chosen by 242 customers

Create detailed relations between your products and recommend to clients other attractive services that can be purchased together with their primary products in cart.

Google Workspace For WHMCS Icon
Google Workspace

Google Workspace For WHMCS

Chosen by 426 customers

Provision and manage Google services set up in a flexible manner and allow your customers the possibility to carry out all handling tasks on their products remotely.