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DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS
Chosen by 431 customers-
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSLUIZ AMERICO DOS SANTOS (ATRIUM HOST)We started using cPanel Extended. Initially we were unsure whether the cost would be worth it. If we have to buy cPanel, why use cPanel Extended? The first answ...
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSArmand Wolfaardt (Western Cloud Solutions)Been using DA Module for some time now and my word does it work!
looks good functionality is seemless mixing Direct Admin Extension with Lagom 2 is an ab... -
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSIbrahim RumaniGreat Module, works great has all the required features. Makes it really easy for non-tech clients. They can just do everything without ever logging into DA.
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSGanje Host (Ganjehost)I'm using this module for all my servers and also my clients say that it is far better than before.
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSRajesh Chauhan ( Extended module is just awesome, increase our customer base because people find it easy to use, they do not have to login on DA Panel separately to access an...
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSJames Fouracre (Expert Tech IT Ltd)This is a great module if you are moving clients from cPanel to DirectAdmin. It allows you to keep your clients in your client area without having to login to D...
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSAmirul Darmawan (Hostingan ID)Thanks for the greatest directadmin modules in the world, good technical support and great modules. Worth to buy!
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSJack Evans (Zal Hosting LTD)Great module allow for the same if not better functionality from the default cPanel module means your current customers dont get lost if you migrate panels!
Equip your clients with web hosting accounts and vital tools for the remote handling of FTP accounts, files, backups, web applications and other elements.
Product Linker For WHMCS
Chosen by 344 customers-
Product Linker For WHMCSTheoVery useful module and compliments other similar modules like cpanel-manage2 allowing you to bundle VPS with cPanel or apply SSL, VPN or other similar services...
Create and handle order connections between your products, addons and configurable options to offer attractive bundles together with flexible discounts.
Server Allocator For WHMCS
Chosen by 333 customers-
Server Allocator For WHMCSLjReally accurate module to deploy user accounts by the chosen server without any conflicts. Really good option for those who offer more than a one server locatio...
Server Allocator For WHMCSJay Everall (Valcato Internet)Server Allocator was simple to set up, and works perfectly. We are now able to offer a choice of regions on our signup form, and the Server Allocator plugin se...
Server Allocator For WHMCSTrentaHost Management (TrentaHost INC.)Server Allocator works wonders for us as it allows us to automate our ordering process. Being a brand that has a global presence and over 8 locations offerred o...
Switch servers automatically in line with previously defined set of flexible rules to connect your clients' products with the most fitting servers upon order placing.
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cPanel Manage2 For WHMCS
Chosen by 298 customersProvide clients with cPanel licenses and charge them according to the chosen billing model, plus let customers oversee the details of owned licenses.
Domain & Email Forwarding For WHMCS
Chosen by 263 customers-
Domain & Email Forwarding For WHMCSKadir KurtIt's a really useful module. I would recommend it to everyone. In addition,
modulesgarden company has a very reliable and solid team on whmcs. I would re... -
Domain & Email Forwarding For WHMCSRobert Cush (Defined Hosting Ltd)Great module, does exactly what it says on the tin and very thorough documentation. I had a couple problems configuring it due to my miss-understanding but rais...
Empower your clients to remotely set up and handle forwarders for domains, directories and emails plus specify the extent of available redirections per TLD.
Plesk Key Administrator For WHMCS
Chosen by 168 customers-
Plesk Key Administrator For WHMCSAdam LeeEasy to use integration module for provisioning Plesk licenses and extensions in real time.
Plesk Key Administrator For WHMCSJonathan Smith (ViUX Systems)Nice to be able to auto-issue Plesk licenses for our Virtuozzo VPS via Plesk KA.
Provide various Plesk licenses in the form of adjustable products and supply your customers with a full summary on ordered licenses right in your client area.