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cPanel Extended For WHMCS
Chosen by 1342 customers-
cPanel Extended For WHMCSRichard Rey (Hosting Supremo)Definitely a very essential module for WHMCS since the default module is very poor.
This module is ideal for all of us who want to customize this a... -
cPanel Extended For WHMCSEric Ricielle (tucanoweb)Excellent module.
cPanel Extended For WHMCSMax BergThis is one of the best plugins you can install for WHMCS. Flawless integration with cPanel, everything works as it should, basically all functionality of custo...
cPanel Extended For WHMCSPhil (NetWeaver)Following the release of v3.12.0, this is now truly excellent software. It works great with Twenty-One theme on WHMCS 8, easy to install and easy for end-users...
cPanel Extended For WHMCSThomas G.The perfect module for any host using cPanel. It allows your clients to access essential cPanel features without ever leaving your client area, upon much more....
cPanel Extended For WHMCSChristopher McGill (GekkoFyre Networks)A definite 5-stars from us at GekkoFyre Networks, this is a real workhorse of a module. It provides some of the best cPanel integration you can find on the mark...
cPanel Extended For WHMCSJacek Namysło (Servizza)Five stars module.
We have been using the module for a long time and we are very pleased.
One of the best module for cpanel integration on the marke... -
cPanel Extended For WHMCSScott Claeys (Rad Web Hosting)Nice work on this latest update
Supply your customers automatically with web hosting accounts and offer the benefit of their complex handling in your WHMCS client area.
Advanced Billing For WHMCS
Chosen by 765 customers-
Advanced Billing For WHMCSLUIZ AMERICO DOS SANTOS (ATRIUM HOST)Excellent module that has taken our Billing System to the next level. Advancend Billing is a must if you need to charge your customers for resources used and ha...
Advanced Billing For WHMCSJonathan Smith (ViUX Systems)I've not gotten fully into this module's features yet, but it promises to open up just about any billing setup needed and supports the other modules for...
Introduce server resource usage billing and other advanced charging models to your WHMCS plus adapt the generation and delivery of invoices to your needs.
IP Manager For WHMCS
Chosen by 632 customers-
IP Manager For WHMCSSumit jain (Host9x Web Solutions)We are using IP manager module since 3 years its always working very good , also whenever i need any support they are very helpfull
IP Manager For WHMCSAn (Le)We are using Proxmox VE, It's a useful module to manage IPs.
Thanks for helping from support team -
IP Manager For WHMCSChristopher McGill (GekkoFyre Networks)What can we say about this particular module, other than that it solves so many problems for us here at GekkoFyre Networks whilst streamlining countless other t...
IP Manager For WHMCSDaniel Andrade (Mega Provedor)This module is the ideal solution for companies that manage their own IP blocks or work with large numbers of IPs, distributing to customers' solutions in a...
IP Manager For WHMCSJonathan Smith (ViUX Systems)IP Manager module works nicely along with Virtuozzo & Plesk modules to auto-provision IP Addresses for Shared & VPS Hosting.
IP Manager For WHMCSAbraham CelikWe are using IP manager to centralise our OSS systems. Have it build into WHMCS means we do not need to maintain a seperate database ( or spreadsheet) to captur...
Manage multi-level IP subnets, assign IP addresses to servers and products, connect subnets to clients, integrate with 3rd party applications and more.
DigitalOcean Droplets For WHMCS
Chosen by 230 customers-
DigitalOcean Droplets For WHMCSRavi Raj (ServerPoet)A great buy now module if you are looking to resell Digitalocean droplets, its totally worth your money.. just go ahead without any doubt and sell with your bra...
DigitalOcean Droplets For WHMCSEffendy Abdullah (WebHostSG)Highly recommended for those who wish to resell DigitalOcean's droplet. Installation was easy, adding Configurable Options was just a click of a button. Just wi...
Automatically supply Droplets and offer your clients tools to manage the servers remotely: toggle the power, rebuild the machine, restore snapshots, and more.
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EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS
Chosen by 2746 customers-
EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCSJade B (Absolute Hosting)EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS has helped streamline our server provisioning and management.
The product is well designed, well supported and highly... -
EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCSTrentaHost Management (TrentaHost INC.)EasyDCIM which is designed once again by the experts at ModulesGarden has made our dedicated offerings an extreme success. This product is always always improvi...
Enable automated supply and handling of EasyDCIM dedicated servers directly in WHMCS plus provide tools for their close supervision in your client area.
Chosen by 1635 customers-
GoGetSSL For WHMCSTomislav Protich (Enterprise Vps Solutions LLC)Nice module but you need to add options for the web server type more then just ngnix and other. Also other verification methods should be allowed besides email.
GoGetSSL For WHMCSWael AlNahari (WJN LLC)The best in the market
Manage and provision SSL certificates plus let your customers perform all sorts of actions on ordered certificates from your client area directly.
Plesk Extended For WHMCS
Chosen by 671 customers-
Plesk Extended For WHMCSAshkan MohammadiFirstly we needed separate users for different Plesk hosting orders on the same WHMCS Client account, and become familiar with ModuleGarden Plesk Extended Modul...
Plesk Extended For WHMCSEligijus J. (MB Emitos sprendimai)Very good plugin ;) Everything works fine.
Plesk Extended For WHMCSHoussam Chergui (EURL HOST ARTS)I highly recommend the Plesk Extended for WHMCS! it makes the user experience much easier for our clients in addition to the ability to create separate subscrip...
Plesk Extended For WHMCSElevator Star (UpliftingHosting)PleskExtended is exactly what I needed. It is really easy to use. My customers like it, as well.
Plesk Extended For WHMCSRodrigo Soares (Ntweb Internet)I have been using this module for a long time, facilitating the administration of the Plesk server. Installation and configuration is quite simple, so I recomme...
Plesk Extended For WHMCSRavi Raj (ServerPoet)It's nearly 6 months and still using the module.. a great enhancement into WHMCS to provide features directly into WHMCS without logging into Plesk panel.
Set up and customize ready to sell web hosting accounts in WHMCS, supervise offered products remotely and enable their careful handling in your client area.
SolusVM Extended VPS For WHMCS
Chosen by 623 customers-
SolusVM Extended VPS For WHMCSCharlieReally love to use SolusVM Extended VPS For WHMCS which gives us a lot of features and let users easy to manage the server.
SolusVM Extended VPS For WHMCSDavid (xTom)We have been using this module for several months, everything works fine.
SolusVM Extended VPS For WHMCSSumit jain (Hostspicy Web Solutions Services)Using Since 1 year and just renewed because of satisfaction of this module , it has many features which solusvm cannot provide on their default and buggy module...
SolusVM Extended VPS For WHMCSJack Evans (Zal Hosting LTD)Works great and means whmcs and solusvm are linked together properly for the client and admin!
SolusVM Extended VPS For WHMCSDuncan Emanuels (Microglo LLC)SolusVM Extended VPS For WHMCS we are using it for many years already, after every update, it's getting much better than many others there on the Net.
Provision virtual servers in an automated fashion, manage various VPS features in WHMCS and include multiple means for remote handling into your client area.
Domains Reseller For WHMCS
Chosen by 463 customers-
Domains Reseller For WHMCSBrian M.A very helpful tool to power your reseller business couple with a friendly support from Modulesgarden. I recommend.
Domains Reseller For WHMCSNenad Hranic (Orbis d.o.o.)Domains Reseller module is very useful. Setup is easy and our domain resellers like it.
Domains Reseller For WHMCSJamie Le (DreamIT Solutions Pty Ltd)Works great. Our resellers love the integration
Domains Reseller For WHMCSAlexis Garcia (Netgocios Cia Ltda.)One of the best modules here.. its perfect!!
Let resellers supply TLDs to end clients through various systems, while you set up pricing groups, track earned income, handle credits and refund policy.
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS
Chosen by 431 customers-
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSLUIZ AMERICO DOS SANTOS (ATRIUM HOST)We started using cPanel Extended. Initially we were unsure whether the cost would be worth it. If we have to buy cPanel, why use cPanel Extended? The first answ...
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSArmand Wolfaardt (Western Cloud Solutions)Been using DA Module for some time now and my word does it work!
looks good functionality is seemless mixing Direct Admin Extension with Lagom 2 is an ab... -
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSIbrahim RumaniGreat Module, works great has all the required features. Makes it really easy for non-tech clients. They can just do everything without ever logging into DA.
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSGanje Host (Ganjehost)I'm using this module for all my servers and also my clients say that it is far better than before.
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSRajesh Chauhan ( Extended module is just awesome, increase our customer base because people find it easy to use, they do not have to login on DA Panel separately to access an...
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSJames Fouracre (Expert Tech IT Ltd)This is a great module if you are moving clients from cPanel to DirectAdmin. It allows you to keep your clients in your client area without having to login to D...
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSAmirul Darmawan (Hostingan ID)Thanks for the greatest directadmin modules in the world, good technical support and great modules. Worth to buy!
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCSJack Evans (Zal Hosting LTD)Great module allow for the same if not better functionality from the default cPanel module means your current customers dont get lost if you migrate panels!
Equip your clients with web hosting accounts and vital tools for the remote handling of FTP accounts, files, backups, web applications and other elements.
SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS
Chosen by 366 customers-
SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCSVesko Vasilev (ImpactHost Ltd.)An excellent module that has enabled us to offer flexibility to our clients. The team welcomes feedback and continuously works on improvements. Their customer s...
SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCSAshwin (Veeble)I can't imagine handling all everyday workflows without this module anymore. I have been using its annual version since 2016, and then bought the open source in...
Allow your clients to build, alter and handle multiple virtual servers per WHMCS product using available resources, grant them quick access to consoles, usage graphs and more.
Unban Center For WHMCS
Chosen by 323 customers-
Unban Center For WHMCSJade Benson (Absolute Hosting)We love this product as it allows our clients to easily remove their blocked IP addresses from cPanel without having to log support requests with our help desk.
Let your customers unban IP addresses in control panels and VPS servers in line with restrictions imposed by you. Create own submodules for other systems.
GoDaddy Domain Registrar For WHMCS
Chosen by 256 customers-
GoDaddy Domain Registrar For WHMCSpraveen (SEEKNEXT IT SOLUTION PVT LTD)Best module for GoDaddy domain resellers, Works perfectly on DNS management and sync between GoDaddy API and whmcs
Resell GoDaddy TLDs and gTLDs automatically and enrich your client area with handling tools for DNS records, nameservers and other domain features.
Proxmox Mail Gateway For WHMCS
Chosen by 171 customersProvide your clients with Proxmox Mail Gateway services and ensure effective control over the key proxy parameters without leaving your website.
Amazon Lightsail For WHMCS
Chosen by 158 customers-
Amazon Lightsail For WHMCSDustin Picciuolo (, Inc.)I was looking for solutions for a multicloud environment and came across this module for AWS Lightsail to offer an entry level Amazon product to my customers....
Amazon Lightsail For WHMCSSantiago Botto (Sectorhosting LLC)It works great right out of the box!
Future features that would be really nice to get:
- DNS zone management
- Ability to turn a... -
Amazon Lightsail For WHMCSMinh Nguyen Xuan Binh (Minh Duy Solutions)A great module for me!
You may consider adding the following functions:
- Automatic Suspend when bandwidth out
- Add Snapshot function...
Supply your clients with Amazon Lightsail servers and permit them to take all basic actions on owned instances from the client area directly.
Amazon EC2 For WHMCS
Chosen by 131 customersProvide Amazon EC2 instances to clients without leaving your WHMCS and enable them to control servers remotely through a toolkit of essential features.