Discount Center For WHMCS opens up the chance to create and manage various kinds of advanced discounts in a fully automatic manner inside your WHMCS.
The module’s choice of promotional tactics starts with discounts applicable to the order of a previously defined combination of products. You will be also allowed to introduce early payment discounts for recurring services, as well as two different types of quantity price cuts, both with dynamically adjustable thresholds. Whatever approach you opt for, you will have the flexibility to choose precisely who receives the discount, customize it to be either a one-time or recurring offer, set a usage limit plus a timeframe for its validity. For increased control, you can select the required billing cycles and define the exact number of products eligible for a markdown - whether including the already purchased items or just those added to the shopping cart. With the valuable insights from graphs, summary tables, and logs, you will easily keep track of all promotions and accurately measure their effectiveness.
To deliver a more tailored approach, pair up the module with Product Cross-Selling For WHMCS as only by doing so, you will be able to dynamically reduce the prices of related and recommended products for your customers based on the contents of their shopping cart.
Create a lasting impact on your audience’s preferences and firm your reputation on the market. Order Discount Center For WHMCS and appeal strongly to the minds of prospective clients!
Admin Area
- Create Multiple Discounts For Products, Domains And Product Addons
- Create Multiple Quantity Discounts With Thresholds For Products, Product Groups, Domains And Product Addons
- Create Early Payment Discounts
- Configure Module Settings:
- Define Length Of New Client Status
- Auto-Apply Newly Created Discounts
- Select Order Form Type
- Enable Order Notes
- Hide Original Prices
- Enable Product Upgrade/Downgrade Discounts
- View Discounts Summary
- View Discounts Logs
Client Area
- View Before And After Discount Item Prices
- Build Your Own Discounted Product Bundle
- Define Items To Apply Discount To:
- Offered Items In Store
- Required Items In Client Shopping Cart
- Active Items In Client Account
- Required Items' Billing Cycles
- Define Discounts For Chosen Items Per Billing Cycle:
- Percentage
- Fixed Amount
- Define Clients To Whom Discount Should Be Applied:
- All Clients And Guests
- New Clients
- Chosen Clients And Client Groups
- Define If Discount Should Be Applied One Time Or Recurring
- Define Time Period For Recurring Discount
- Define Discount Validity Period
- Define If Discount Should Be Applied When Product Bundles Are Enabled
- Define Discounts Limitations:
- Total Number Of Products, Product Addons And Domains
- Maximum Number Of
- Restrict Time Period To Apply Discount After Single Usage
- Define Items To Apply Discount To:
Quantity Discounts
- Define Items To Apply Discount To:
- Offered Items In Store
- Required Items In Client Shopping Cart
- Active Items In Client Account
- Required Items' Billing Cycles
- Define Discounts For Chosen Items Per Billing Cycle:
- Percentage
- Fixed Amount
- Define Discount Type:
- Percentage
- Fixed Amount
- Define Items Required To Be In Shopping Cart To Apply Discount
- Define Items Required To Be Owned By Client To Apply Discount
- Define Multiple Promotion Thresholds And Discount Values
- Define Items To Be Summed Up And Compared With Thresholds
- Choose Type Of Discount Application:
- All Specified Items
- More Expensive Than Specified Value
- Less Expensive Than Specified Value
- Chosen Products/Addons/Domains
- Number Of Active Services
- Choose Clients To Which Discount Should Be Applied:
- All Clients And Guests
- New Clients
- Chosen Clients And Client Groups
- Define If Discount Is Of One Time Or Recurring Type
- Define Time Period For Recurring Discount
- Define If Products With 'Allow Multiple Quantities' Should Be Supported
- Define Whether To Count User Owned Services
- Define If Discount Should Be Applied Along With Promotion Code
- Define Discount Validity Period
- Define If Discount Should Be Applied When Product Bundles Are Enabled
- Define Discounts Limitations:
- Total Number Of Products, Product Addons And Domains
- Maximum Number Of
- Restrict Time Period To Apply Discount After Single Usage
- Define Items To Apply Discount To:
Early Payment Discounts
- Define Number Of Days Of Discount Validity
- Define Items To Apply Discount To
- Define Discounts For Chosen Items Per Billing Cycle
- Define Email Notifications:
- On Invoice Creation
- On Discount Expiration
- Discount Cancelation Reminders With Defined Number Of Days Before Expiration
General Info
- Integrated With Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS - Give Clients Instant Preview Of Discounted Prices While Completing The Order
- Integrated With Product Cross-Selling For WHMCS - View Discounts Applied To Related And Recommended Products
- Recognizes Identity Of Not Logged In Client To Assign Discount Accordingly
- Updates Amount On Unpaid Invoices Dynamically When 'Active Services Quantity' Discount Is Used
- Supports Default And Custom Order Forms
- Multi-Language Support
- Supports PHP 8.2 Back To PHP 8.1
- Supports WHMCS Themes "Six", "Twenty-One" And "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme"
- Supports WHMCS V8.12 Back To WHMCS V8.9
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 Or Later
- Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version
Released: Feb 19th, 2025- Support for PHP 7.4 version
- Fixed integration conflict with the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme and WordPress Manager For WHMCS module that could cause an "Invalid domain name provided" error when searching for a domain for registration - case #543
- Disabled promotions will no longer be visible in the configuration as if the "Percentage" discount was still enabled - case #544
- Eliminated rare "Cart Manager action 'orderReviewLagomRequest' for cart (...)StandardCart does not exist" notice that could appear in error logs depending on PHP output buffering settings - case #547
Released: Dec 9th, 2024- WHMCS V8.12 support
- Support for WHMCS V8.8 and previous
- Corrected specific case for incorrect product pricing displayed in order summary when using quantity discounts - case #482
- Fixed "TypeError: method_exists(): Argument #1 (closed) ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, null given" error that could occur when ordering a domain without pricing set for its renewal - case #537
Released: Aug 14th, 2024- WHMCS V8.11 support
- Support for PHP 8.2 version
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
- Eliminated excessive entries logged into the "tblerrorlog" database table when using the module with Lagom WHMCS Client Theme - case #529
Released: Jul 30th, 2024- Addressed specific issue that might have caused the "Allowed memory (...) exhausted" error in client area - case #527
- Solved problem with invalid total recurring prices after adding product addons and domain addons into the cart when using "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme" - case #526
- Eliminated issue where domains marked as free when purchased with a product were incorrectly offered as paid with discounts - case #528
Released: Jun 6th, 2024- Maintenance update and stability optimizations
- Fixed "Integrity constraint violation" SQL error that could occur when generating a recurring invoice for the subsequent billing cycle - case #525
Released: May 17th, 2024- Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
- Corrected invalid "Recurring Amount" for services returned in the "{$order_details}" merge field variable within the email template - #509
- Fixed issue that could prevent domains available for registration from loading on the client area home page - case #511
- Solved problem with loading the module if there was an existing addon named "freeaccount" - case #514
- Corrected issue with calculating discounts for multiple services in the cart if the first one had a product addon attached - case #515
- Adjusted display of domain extension discounts for the "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme" - case #516
- Fixed quantity discount calculations for non-default currencies - case #518
- Resolved case where the order confirmation email contained invalid product domain details when ordered with a free domain addon - case #520
- The order confirmation email will no longer be sent after adding funds in the client area and ordering a service with a recurring billing cycle - case #521
- The configurable options discounts will now be properly taken into account in the "Totals" amount in the order summary - case #524
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Jan 24th, 2024- WHMCS V8.9 support
- Fixed issues causing incorrect functioning of the domain search - case #499, #488
- Corrected issue with an invalid recurring price for a product when that was purchased with a free addon - case #498
- Eliminated the "TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string" error that could occur for products bundled with addons - case #495, #489
- Corrected issue with the "Global Limit" configuration ensuring proper functionality when the "Time" field was left empty or the "Recurring Discounts" option was disabled - case #491, #492
- Fixed cases where an incorrect discount was applied during product upgrades - case #490
- Solved specific problem with incorrectly displayed payment gateways when trying to upgrade/downgrade services when using the Product Free Trial Manager For WHMCS module - case #508
- Corrected issue where discounted and crossed-out prices on the product tiles were not displayed on the PHP 8.1 server if the number of days for the "New Client Status" option was empty - case #506
- The crossed-out prices will now be correctly displayed on the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme when the Payment Gateway Charges For WHMCS module is installed - case #504
- Specific corrections related to discount calculation along with configured tax rules and tax exceptions
- Solved issues related to applying discounts to the MarketConnect product addons
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Aug 22nd, 2023- WHMCS V8.8 support
- Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
- Assorted corrections for displayed pricing and discounts with Lagom WHMCS Client Theme - case #467, #481
- Fixed problem with an invalid discount price when upgrading a product to another one - case #480
- Solved problems with applying early payment discounts for subsequent invoices - case #485
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Jul 12th, 2023- Fastened process of calculating promotions for items with multiple discount conditions
- Additional corrections in the recurring price calculations when WHMCS "Deduct Tax Amount" option is enabled - case #448
- Fixed problem with properly displaying some discounts that should appear when the item billing cycle is chosen from the dropdown menu - case #460
- Corrected setting up the domain renewal pricing when the "Recurring Discounts" option was disabled and the TLD renewal price was lower than the registration one - case #459
- Solved issue with the annual amount price being incorrectly calculated in the order summary when the monthly paid product contained a yearly paid domain - case #462
- Fixed problem where searching for a domain with a desired TLD could primarily display available domains with different than the searched TLD - case #464
- Adjusted discounts calculations in multiple currencies for product addons when the primary currency was set to other than USD
- Fixed display of discounts on country code second-level domains (ccSLD) - case #476
- Corrected display of discounts on "starting from" prices on the product tiles
- Other minor code corrections
Released: May 4th, 2023- Temporarily disabled support for discount limits when adding a product item with multiple quantities
- Corrected invoice pricing calculation for discounts with configurable option items - case #418
Released: Apr 26th, 2023- Discounts limits - set up global limits per products, product addons and domains, limit the number of items in a cart as well as the time period that the discount can be used by a client - case #387
- Select the required billing cycles of items in a cart that the discount can be applied to - case #396
- Discounts for all TLDs can now be displayed on the WHMCS domains pricing list in the client area - case #386, #377
- Enable discounts for the product "Upgrade/Downgrade" functionality - case #271
- Fixed problem with displaying discounts for product addons if the client language was different than English - case #444
- Corrected discount calculation for recurring amount if the inclusive and deduct tax are enabled - case #448
- Adjusted filtering of discounts by domains - case #397
- Other code corrections and optimization improvements
Released: Feb 8th, 2023- WHMCS V8.7 support
- Hide the original, crossed-out price on the order checkout and cart summary to display the final price only - case #344
- Added support for "{$dc_hide_crossed_pricing}" variable used in the order form template integration code
- Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.3 version
- Integration code for discontinued "Modern" order form template
- Corrected issues with displaying discounts for products offered with free domains - case #374
- Eliminated "Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array" error that could occur after setting the non-hidden product's payment type to free and proceeding to the product group - case #376
- Fixed problems with "Unsupported operand types: array" errors that might have occurred in certain module sections on PHP 8.1
- Resolved issue with the crossed-out prices being applied to all products in a group instead of to the dedicated for quantity discounts ones
- A discount will be now properly applied if one of the required items in the cart is a free product addon
- Fixed issue with the specified discount thresholds being wrongly applied to domains if they are combined with other item types in the cart
- Added missing crossed-out prices into certain places in the client area
- Other code corrections and improvements
Released: Oct 20th, 2022- WHMCS V8.6 support
- Support for PHP 8.1 version
- Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
- Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.2 version
- Minor code corrections
Released: Aug 17th, 2022- Quantity discounts can now be applied to the product groups
- Select the "Fixed amount" discount type when setting up quantity discounts
- Services owned by a client can now be counted as a total number of products to apply the quantity discount
- Added support for Lagom WHMCS Client Theme 2.X
- Fixed problem with access to the module addon after a currency used for discounts has been deleted from WHMCS
- Resolved issue with displaying discounted total amount in the order summary when using Lagom Client Theme version 2.x - case #341
- Corrected problem with sending early discount cancellation reminders at the defined time - case #345
- Eliminated number of errors showing up in the browser's developer console
- Other minor code corrections and improvements
Released: Jun 21st, 2022- WHMCS V8.5 support
- Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous
Released: Jan 27th, 2022- WHMCS V8.4 support
- A number of queries has been optimized to speed up the loading time of the discount configurations when a lot of product items have been added in WHMCS
Released: Sep 28th, 2021- WHMCS V8.3 support
- Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
- Minor code corrections
Released: Jun 18th, 2021- WHMCS V8.2 support
- Support for PHP 7.1 version
- Eliminated "The value must be positive" error that occurred if the provided promotion price was equal to or above the "1000000" value - case #317
- Fixed problem with generating too many records into the "tblerrorlogs" database table
Released: Mar 5th, 2021- WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support
- Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
- Fixed case when the addon price might have not been included in the recurring amount - case #313
Released: Dec 2nd, 2020- Resolved certain problems with applying discounts when the quantity discount was enabled - case #304
- Corrected support for the "Pure Comparison" order form template - case #306
- Minor corrections related to displaying total recurring amount in a cart - case #307
Released: Oct 23rd, 2020- Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
- Resolved assorted issues with displaying discounts on the product list on WHMCS V8 - case #300
- Eliminated errors in the module logs occurring when an invoice was paid using credits
- Corrected discount calculations in the order summary for product addons
- Other minor corrections related to WHMCS V8
Released: Aug 13th, 2020- WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
- Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
- Discounts will no longer disappear from the order after switching the billing cycle in the "modern" order template - case #295
Released: Aug 3rd, 2020- Added additional checks in the case when the admin deletes one of previously used currency to resolve issues with applying a new discount - case #293
Released: Apr 22nd, 2020- WHMCS V7.10 support
- Choose whether to save information about discount in order note
- Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
- Fixed issue where early payment discounts might not have worked or shown on the invoices at all or after forcing invoice generation for the service renewal - case #291
Released: Jan 20th, 2020- WHMCS V7.9 support
- Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
- Resolved problem with displaying an incorrect monthly product's price on the order summary when the configuration of the discount's recurring months was set to "0" for lifetime discount application
Released: Oct 24th, 2019- You can now create promotions for the unregistered clients only by providing the "0" value in the "New Client Status - Number Of Days" setting - case #251
- Providing the "0" value for the "Recurring Months" setting will now create a recurring discount granted for a lifetime - case #268
- Information about granted discounts will now be added to order notes - case #261
- Support for WHMCS V7.5 and previous
- Fixed issue that could have caused "Early Discount Cancellation Reminders" being sent every day instead of on the set values basis - case #254
- Solved problem where early payment discount could not be deleted after having expired - case #255
- The "Setup Fee" pricing will no longer be displayed in cart on modern template if its value equals zero - case #260
- Fixed issue where module could have altered already paid invoices instead of the unpaid ones only - case #262
- Corrected problem where new recurring domain price was updated based on the register price instead of the renewal one - case #269
- Fixed case where the "Early Payment Discounts" email notifications still could have been sent even after the promotion had already ended - case #270
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Feb 20th, 2019- WHMCS V7.7 and PHP 7.3 support
- Support for WHMCS V7.3 and previous
- Text label in the "Choose Billing Cycle" dropdown to highlight the discount - case #250
- Resolved issue of an invalid amount of the early payment discount with multi-currency used - case #241
- Corrected wrong recurring pricing amount for products with configurable options - case #242, #243
- Fixed invalid pricing of discounted product addons displayed on the review & checkout summary page - case #244
- Solved problem with displaying the pricing summary of a product added to the cart in multiple quantities - case #245
- Fixed discount pricing of addons purchased separately - case #249
- Minor code corrections
Released: Oct 10th, 2018- Increased speed of loading the "Early Payment Discount" elements in the admin area that have a large number of products and currencies - case #185
- The logs will now include more detailed information on the applied "Early Payment Discount"
- Resolved assorted issues that might have caused the recurring prices not being properly displayed on the checkout cart view - case #233
- The discounted prices are now correctly crossed out on the checkout cart view in certain themes - case #231
- Solved "500 Internal Server Error" that might have occurred when accessing the logs section - case #234
- Fixed problem with the discounted domain renewal prices being the same as registration ones - case #236
- Resolved case of the "Early Payment Discount Canceled" message being sent twice - case #237
- The amount with "Quantity Discounts" applied is now properly displayed on the client area products list - case #239
Released: Aug 23rd, 2018- Resolved issues with creating database tables for the MyISAM storage engine
Released: Aug 22nd, 2018- Early Payment Discounts - define discounts, their duration and reminders for recurring services invoices
- Support for WHMCS 'Monthly Pricing Breakdown' option - case #183
- Support for WHMCS V7.1 and previous
- Resolved problem with displaying an invalid "Total Recurring" price in the cart after applying the discount, when Modern order template is used - case #187
- Fixed issue with discounts not being applied to product bundles according to their settings
- Corrected issue with discounts not being applied to a paid addon associated with a free product
- Switching between the domain registration cycles will no longer result in a discount disappearing from the cart
- Corrected notification message when trying to change the status of a discount that has already expired
- Tax amount will now be properly recalculated for products with multiple quantities
- Resolved issue with applying the discount for additionally paid domains if there already is a product in cart with a free domain
- Corrected saving a product discount configuration that might have caused a product pricing discount being overridden by their setup fee discounts
- Fixed recurring discounts that were still applied to addons with recurring cycle after the discount has expired
- Assorted code, UI and language corrections
Released: Jun 28th, 2018- Resolved assorted issues with discount application to products with a free domain - case #177
- Eliminated 'Call to a member function toPrefixed()' exception error that might have occurred in the cart - case #182
- Corrected recurring amount in the order confirmation email - case #178
- Solved issue with discount application for the addon with a one-time billing cycle - case #162
Released: Apr 19th, 2018- WHMCS V7.5 support
- PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support
- Discounts can now be applied to domain transfers as well
Released: Mar 12th, 2018- Free products are no longer wrongly considered to be paid in WHMCS V7.1.2
Released: Jan 25th, 2018- WHMCS V7.4 support
- Corrected issues with support of product addons causing errors in 'Logs'
- Fixed assorted problems which might have resulted in an incorrect calculation of discounts
- Resolved impossibility of setting discount rates for the addons with recurring billing cycles
- Resolved issue related to the PHP 'Call to a member function format() on string' fatal error
- Corrected invalid calculation of quantity discounts for a number of specified products in a single order
- Fixed faulty application of recurring discounts to the domain orders - case #152
- Surmounted issue that might have caused a discount to disappear for the service when buying a domain - case #148
Released: Aug 2nd, 2017- Corrected disabling of module discounts if standard WHMCS promotion code is used
- Adjusted order summary to include discounts for domains properly
- Regulated display of invalid addon price
- Resolved problem with discount application only to selected clients
- 'Free Domain' product option will be now applied properly
- Corrected quantity discount calculation if multiple eligible products are added under 'Specified Products In Cart' field
Released: Jun 1st, 2017- WHMCS V7.2 support
- Enhanced debug logs
- Adjusted missing discounts of addons' prices in ordering process
- Corrected quantity discounts' calculation for active services in the client area
Released: Apr 12th, 2017- 'Active Services Quantity' discount - apply discounts based on the number of active products already owned by client
- 'Active Services Quantity' discount - skip terminated services automatically
- 'Active Services Quantity' discount - update amount on unpaid invoices dynamically
- Disable discount activation rule if product bundles are used
- Code refactoring
- Solved problem of not displayed discounted prices in products' category view
Released: Feb 2nd, 2017- Calculate discounts properly when promo code is applied
- Resolved uncaught 'Call to a member function getFriendlyPrice()' fatal error
Released: Dec 19th, 2016- Define order form - required when custom order form is used
- Display setup fee of product addons in a correct manner
- Calculate product addons price correctly
Released: Oct 27th, 2016- PHP 7 support
Released: Oct 14th, 2016- WHMCS V7 support
- Minor tweaks
Released: Sep 7th, 2016- Product addon discounts are now correctly applied on the order summary page
- Error occurring on AJAX requests has been resolved
Released: Aug 3rd, 2016- Define discount validity time frames
- Discounts - define products required to be already owned and active to apply the discount
- Quantity Discounts - disable usage of quantity discount if promotion code is used
- Display the number of promotional products assigned to a discount
- Minor tweaks to enhance user experience
- Extended multi-language support
- Apply single, the most profitable discount only
- Major fixes and changes improving the integration with WHMCS pricing system
Released: Jun 24th, 2016- Display discounts in the admin area - support for the latest 'DataTables' plug-in
Released: May 4th, 2016- Apply discount to product setup fees
- Quantity Discount - support for products with 'Allow Multiple Quantities'
- Recognize unlogged client identity to assign discount accordingly
- 'All Clients' activation rule renders discounts visible to both logged and unlogged clients
- Validation during discount creation
Released: Mar 2nd, 2016- Stable Release
Discount Center For WHMCSDilek Tas (Scaloft) 6 months agoIt's great module to use. Bought it to create initial term discounts which can never be done by WHMCS itself.
Discount Center For WHMCSHoussam Chergui (EURL HOST ARTS) 2 years agoI highly recommend the Discount Center for WHMCS! It has made managing discounts and promotions for my business a breeze. The user-friendly interface and powerful features have saved me a lot of time and hassle. Plus, their support team is top-notch and always ready to help with any issues. Overall, a fantastic product that I would highly recommend to anyone looking to streamline their discount management.
Discount Center For WHMCSAdam Lee 2 years agoThis is a great addons for business to upsell with discount for your customers. A must have
Discount Center For WHMCSSURINDERPAL GILL (BLUE HILL Hosting) 3 years agoDiscount central works very effective with no issues, We are using this plugin for last 4 years
its Great addon -
Discount Center For WHMCSOmar Castaneda (SS) 3 years agoDiscount Center is a must-have module. It is very easy to use, convenient and save you a lot of time.
Discount Center For WHMCSLj 3 years agoIt's a really good module to be set by rules for all different types of discounts. The only thing missing is scheduling discounts, that would make it even better.
Discount Center For WHMCSPaul Reilly (P R Systems IT Solutions Ltd) 3 years agoExcellent add-on to use in instead of the WHMCS discounts and promotions section to allow you provide more complex promotions. ModulesGarden customer services second to none :)
Discount Center For WHMCSJames Russell (WebWorx Incorporated) 5 years agoDiscount Center addon works perfectly fine and it has cool features to copy and paste for various currencies and very easy to maintain the Percentage and fixed amount for each product and various billing cycle. Modulesgarden always makes our life easy and simple. We recommend modulesgarden for all the plugins they are best in the industry when it comes to modules as far as we have experienced with WHMCS related products.
Awesome!! -
Discount Center For WHMCSShannon Monahan (BRG Companies LLC) 5 years agoWHMCS in itself is lacking in it's ability for flexible discounts to customer. This module put's all concerns to rest. You can discount new customers as well as current customers in a variety of ways. Easy installation and support is phenomenal. I highly recommend this module! This isn't the only module I use from modulesgarden. They have a bunch of top notch products.
Discount Center For WHMCSJonathan Smith (ViUX Systems) 6 years agoModule works nicely to be able to show the retail price with strike through and then the discounted price beside, as well as, to have fixed amount or percentage based discounts across a product group. Also, nice to be able to offer discounts conditionally.
Discount Center For WHMCSLuke Watson (EZEHost Limited) 7 years agoGreat addon, works perfect. Had a few issues with it initially, but the guys here got them sorted quickly.