Freshdesk For WHMCS is a neat module destined to enable advanced handling of support tickets by close integration built between your WHMCS and Freshdesk. Upon this favorable combination your audience will be no longer required to leave your WHMCS client area in order to benefit from assorted support instruments brought by modern customer service software.
Upon ticket creation, your clients will be given the freedom to choose from Freshdesk departments, and use customized fields set in this platform – all these in a brand-new, yet nearly unaltered in visual terms support system right inside your WHMCS. Meanwhile, the module will offer you the chance to effortlessly manage each and every WHMCS ticket straight within your Freshdesk admin area. For an added convenience, you will be able to create relations between custom client fields in WHMCS, and those from Freshdesk, so that all crucial data on any client can be exported automatically. The logs will help you make sure all actions under the export mechanism have been executed flawlessly.
Be sure to also explore Freshdesk Customer Widget which can be installed in Freshdesk, free of any charge, to let you display WHMCS client details, services, domains, addons and due invoices right next to the ticket contents.
Make your staff members more productive, and your clients more empowered. Order Freshdesk For WHMCS today and put excellent customer service at the heart of your company!
Client Area
- View Freshdesk Departments
- Manage Existing Tickets
- Open New Ticket
- Fill Out Freshdesk Ticket Forms
- Assign Owned Service To Ticket
- Attach Files To Ticket
- List Recent Tickets
Admin Area
- Manually Export To Freshdesk:
- WHMCS Clients
- WHMCS Tickets
- Define Module Behavior:
- Show Solved Tickets
- Update Client Credentials
- Define Replies Order
- Define Available Support Departments
- Define Client Service Field
- Define Client ID Field
- Define Ticket Status Colors
- Set Default Field Values For Agent Required Fields
- Configure And Test Server Connection
- Toggle SSL Verification
- Enable Single Sign-On To Freshdesk
- Define Client Fields Relations
- View Logs
- Manually Export To Freshdesk:
- Automatically Export To Freshdesk:
- New Tickets
- Clients On Tickets Creation
- Synchronize Ticket Responses Between WHMCS And Freshdesk
- Transfer Ticket Forms Settings
- Transfer Client Custom Fields Details
- Transfer Custom Ticket Statuses
- View WHMCS Client Details In Freshdesk Using Widget:
- Contact Details
- Services
- Domains
- Product Addons
- Due Invoices
- Use Single Sign-On To Log Into Freshdesk
- Automatically Export To Freshdesk:
General Info
- Requires Freshdesk "Pro" Pricing Plan Or Higher
- Custom Templates Support
- Multi-Language Support
- Supports PHP 8.2 Back To PHP 8.1
- Supports WHMCS Themes "Six" And "Twenty-One"
- Supports WHMCS V8.12 Back To WHMCS V8.9
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 Or Later
- Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version
Released: Mar 4th, 2025- Fixed issue causing the "Declaration of SymfonyComponentCacheTraitsFilesystemTrait::doHave(string $id) must be compatible (...)" exception error on the latest WHMCS version - case #290
Released: Feb 7th, 2025- Added support for Freshdesk Ticket Forms, allowing their selection by admin users and displaying corresponding fields in the ticket creation form - case #278
- Added support for Freshdesk Single Sign-On (SSO) enabling quick login to the Freshdesk panel - case #279
- Support for PHP 7.4 version
Released: Dec 10th, 2024- WHMCS V8.12 support
- Support for WHMCS V8.8 and previous
- Fixed "Class "SymfonyComponentCacheSimpleFilesystemCache" not found (...)" error that could occur when accessing addon modules page - case #276
Released: Aug 21st, 2024- WHMCS V8.11 support
- Support for PHP 8.2 version
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
Released: Aug 12th, 2024- Maintenance update and stability optimizations
- Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
- Eliminated "Illegal offset type" error that could occur in the client area when trying to use the unsupported "nested_field" ticket type that will now be omitted from the ticket form - case #272
- Addressed issue with selected value for a dropdown-type ticket field not being saved - case #273
Released: Jan 29th, 2024- WHMCS V8.8 and V8.9 support - case #262
- Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
- Added option to use "resetFreshdeskID" as the cron argument to clean up assigned custom IDs of clients when trying to migrate to another Freshdesk server and export their clients again - case #252
- Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.3 version
- Eliminated problem with the "Service Unavailable" error that might have appeared after the addon module activation - case #256
- Solved case that might have caused some tickets to be visible to another client - case #254
- Updated code of the Freshdesk Customer Widget to eliminate specific problems with its installation - case #234
- Solved problem related to exporting tickets created by guest clients - case #250
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Nov 30th, 2022- WHMCS V8.6 support
- Support for PHP 8.1 version
- Added single sign-on (SSO) support for DirectAdmin products
- Tickets will be now obtained via their IDs instead of an assigned email address
- Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
- Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.2 version
- Resolved problem with "Too few arguments..." error that could occur when running the export tickets cron-job command - case #243
- Other minor coded corrections
Released: May 5th, 2022- WHMCS V8.5 support
- Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
Released: Jan 20th, 2022- WHMCS V8.4 support
- Freshdesk widget - install a dedicated Freshdesk app to display additional information, such as WHMCS client contact details along with owned services, domains, product addons, and due invoices directly in the Freshdesk panel, next to the ticket
- Option to export tickets created within provided dates using CLI "ExportTicket" cron command to improve the transfer of a large number of submitted tickets - case #227
- Eliminated number of errors reported into the "tblerrorlog" database table
- Adjusted text formatting of tickets displayed in the client area
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Oct 5th, 2021- WHMCS V8.3 support
- Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
Released: Jun 18th, 2021- WHMCS V8.2 and "Twenty-One" theme support
- Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.1 version
- Resolved problem that might have caused "Table 'Freshdesk_Server' doesn't exist" SQL error when activating the addon module for the first time - case #222
- Fixed "ArgumentCountError" error that might have appeared when trying to export ticket replies with attachments added by the admin - case #223
Released: Jan 11th, 2021- WHMCS V8.1 support
- Corrected problems with PHP 7.4 support
- Resolved certain security issues
- Fixed problems with large Freshdesk IDs numbers assigned to clients that might have caused difficulties in accessing departments - case #204
Released: Oct 14th, 2020- Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
- Resolved issue that could have caused exported ticket attachments to be 0 bytes in size - case #197
- Corrected minor security issue - case #200
Released: Aug 25th, 2020- WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
- Added additional support for required ticket fields mapping to resolve certain issues with field validation - case #185
- Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
- Prevented "Call to a member function getValueByRelid()" error by creating the required "freshdeskid|Freshdesk ID" custom field if it was missing - case #188
Released: Jul 23rd, 2020- Added "Agent Required Fields" where the administrator can set default values for the fields that might be required for agents when submitting a form or closing a ticket - case #177
- Clients exported to Freshdesk will now have their user status automatically set as "activated" to prevent sending them activation emails - case #180
Released: Apr 14th, 2020- WHMCS V7.10 support
- You can now control displaying Freshdesk sidebars in the client area via the "app/Config/freshdesk.yml" configuration file - case #155
- Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
- All test connection errors will be now properly displayed in logs - case #167
- Solved issue where the module could fetch only first 30 departments from Freshdesk API - case #172
Released: Jan 15th, 2020- WHMCS V7.9 support
- You can now set a special WHMCS ID label on Freshdesk panel to connect it with the WHMCS clients to display their IDs within created tickets - case #163
- Optimized number of requests sent to the Freshdesk API to minimize the possibility of exceeding the hourly API calls rate limit applied to each Freshdesk account
- Tickets in the client area will be now sorted by default in the descending order based on their creation or last modification date - case #158
- If the WHMCS client was deleted from the Freshdesk API their account will be now automatically restored once they open a new ticket - case #160
- Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
- Resolved problem with displaying more than 30 conversation replies in a ticket - case #162
- If an error is returned by the API when trying to close the ticket, it will also be shown as a notification by the module - case #154
- Assorted code corrections related to the PHP 7.3
Released: Apr 25th, 2019- Ticket date format will be now correctly displayed based on the WHMCS settings - case #152
Released: Mar 25th, 2019- Support for WHMCS V7.4 and previous
- Private admin notes created in Freshdesk will no longer be displayed in the client area - case #150
Released: Feb 13th, 2019- WHMCS V7.7 and PHP 7.3 support
- Define relations between your WHMCS custom client fields and Freshdesk customer fields that will be transferred during the client account export - case #124
- Support for custom Freshdesk ticket statuses, their color and language customization - case #125
- Added URLs to the record logs for easier access to specific tickets and clients
- Test connection of provided server settings will no longer require to save the changes beforehand to check if the credentials are correct
- Support for WHMCS V7.3 and previous
- Color scheme of the statuses on the tickets list in the client area to resemble their equivalent in the default WHMCS six template
- Refreshing the page just after submitting a reply in the client area will no longer cause sending the reply again
- Fixed minor issues with UI and table sorting in the module addon
- The "View & Open Support Tickets" permission for WHMCS contacts/sub-accounts will be now properly supported
- If the "Priority" ticked field is set as optional in Freshdesk then it will no longer be validated as required on the WHMCS side
- Minor code corrections
Released: Jul 23rd, 2018- The database encoding format will be now obtained from WHMCS instead of using the default UTF-8 encoding (new module installations only)
- Resolved minor issues with migration from the previous module version
Released: Apr 24th, 2018- Resolved security issue providing customers with the access to tickets they do not own
Released: Apr 11th, 2018- WHMCS V7.5 support
- PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support
Released: Jan 17th, 2018- Completely rewritten code
- Rebuilt addon module user interface
- Export lists now include hyperlinks to client profiles and tickets
- Assorted language adjustments
- Support for the 'New', 'Open' and 'Hold' color statuses for tickets
- Check the status of the exported clients
- Set the 'Client Services' custom field to display a client's service in a ticket in the Freshdesk panel
- 'Logs' section to monitor module actions and API responses
- WHMCS V6 support
Released: Jan 4th, 2017- Stable Release
Freshdesk For WHMCSIsaac Morse (EC Networks, Inc) 6 years agoThis Plugin allowed us to replace the entire existing system with Freshdesk and our clients do not even notice the difference. Took just a few minutes to install and switch over. Now all of our agents can be managed in one place and we have much better flow over customer support throughout the entire organization.