OVHcloud VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCS is a dual-purposed module empowering you to automate the provisioning of both VPS and dedicated servers brought by OVHcloud. It has been designed to let your clients order machines finely tailored through configurable options, and control their essential properties without stepping outside your WHMCS.
Whatever the server type your customers will decide on, the power switch, reboot, reinstall, and other typical operations can be performed at any time in your client area. The same applies to tracing server details, entering the KVM and IPMI console, as well as handling reverse DNS settings. The owners of virtual machines will additionally be able to create and manage firewall rules and snapshots, whereas those who went for dedicated servers will gain easy access to traffic statistics. Furthermore, you will be allowed to select the existing machines that can be later on reused by another client, in case the previous one opts out.
Push your offering boundaries far beyond with twofold advantages of OVHcloud VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCS. Snap up the module straight off, and cater for your audience's expectations with maximized efficiency!
Admin Area
- Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate/Renew Server
- Power On/Power Off/Reboot Server
- Reboot Server In Rescue Mode
- Reinstall Server
- Access KVM/IPMI Console (Dedicated Servers)
- Server Status And Details
- Monitor Server Protocols Status (VPS)
- View/Create/Restore/Delete Snapshots (VPS)
- View Assigned IP Addresses And Update Reverse DNS Paths
- View Assigned Disks With Bandwidth And Space Limit
- View Traffic Statistics Graph (Dedicated Servers)
- Configure Product Details For:
- Dedicated Server
- Choose Features Available In Client Area
- Generate Configurable Options
- Choose Welcome Email, Reinstallation And Rescue Reboot Email Templates
- Configure Email Piping
- Choose Usable Server Location, Country And Type
- Choose Existing Servers To Be Reused By Another Client
- View Servers Logs
Client Area
- Power On/Power Off/Reboot Server
- Reboot Server In Rescue Mode
- Reinstall Server
- Access KVM/IPMI Console (Dedicated Servers)
- View Server Status And Details
- View/Create/Restore/Delete Snapshots (VPS)
- View Assigned Disks With Bandwidth And Space Limit (VPS)
- View Assigned IP Addresses:
- Enable/Disable Firewall (VPS)
- Manage Firewall Rules (VPS)
- Update Reverse DNS Paths
- View Traffic Statistics Graph (Dedicated Servers)
- Choose Server Parameters During Order
- Receive Email Notifications After Server Creation, Reinstallation And Rescue Reboot
Configurable Options
- VPS:
- Solution Type
- Operating System Template
- Data Center Location
- Snapshot
- License
- Solution Type, Operating System And Application (As Single Option)
- Dedicated Servers:
- Operating System Template
- Operating System Language
- VPS:
General Info
- Integrated With Server Allocator For WHMCS - Automatic Assignment Of Most Suitable Servers To Products
- Supports VPS And Dedicated Servers
- Supports Plan Upgrades (VPS)
- Multi-Language Support
- Supports PHP 8.2 Back To PHP 8.1
- Supports WHMCS Themes "Six", "Twenty-One" And "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme"
- Supports WHMCS V8.12 Back To WHMCS V8.9
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 Or Later
- Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version
Released: Feb 20th, 2025- WHMCS V8.12 support
- Replaced deprecated "/order/catalog/formatted/vps" API function with the new "/order/catalog/public/vps" function to retrieve VPS catalogue information - case #402
- Support for WHMCS V8.8 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.4 version
Released: Oct 25th, 2024- WHMCS V8.11 support
- Support for PHP 8.2 version
- Choose the action performed on service renewal to either renew or disable it - case #380
- Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
- Maintenance update and stability optimizations
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
- Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
- Resolved problems with missing instance passwords in email messages for specific server templates, that should be retrieved or generated via a dedicated link - case #376, #385
- Removed redundant "Public Cloud VPS instance" plan from "Solution Type" configuration, as it only works with OpenStack but not with OVH - case #383
- Eliminated "Call to undefined function (...)MailPipingTraitseach() in (...)/MailPiping/Traits/ImapReader.php:91" error that could occur when running the cron job on PHP 8.X, due to function deprecation - case #384
- Resolved issue that might have caused the "Addon of type os is missing for plan (...)" error upon service creation - case #388
- Fixed assorted exception errors that could occur on selected module commands and cron jobs if the "OVH Server Type" was not chosen in the WHMCS server configuration - case #391
- Solved problem with loading the "Logs" section in the addon module if a client, previously associated with an OVH service, had been removed from WHMCS - case #394
- Other minor code corrections
Released: May 5th, 2023- WHMCS V8.6 and V8.7 support
- Support for PHP 8.1 version
- Increased loading speed of the service page in the admin area - case #357
- Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
- Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.3 version
- Fixed issue with missing geolocation and reverse DNS entries for the failover IP address type - case #355
- Resolved problem with loading the servers into the addon module when a language other than English is used - case #358
- Solved "The input provided isn't valid" error that could occur for the "Free" and "One-Time" server billing cycles when the product payment frequency was set to "Auto" - case #359
- Eliminated "Wrong duration has been selected" error that might have occurred for the selected payment frequency - case #364
- Other minor code corrections and improvements
Released: Aug 25th, 2022- WHMCS V8.5 support
- Manage VPS firewall settings and rules for owned IP addresses - case #204
- Configure product with "Auto" payment frequency that will automatically bill the ordered server for every given number of months based on the selected WHMCS billing cycle - case #162, #287
- Added support for Lagom WHMCS Client Theme 2.X
- Added "Biennially" billing cycle type to the service payment frequency
- Added "Mac Address" column displayed for IP addresses table - case #302
- Added support for obtaining failover IP addresses to server management - case #314, #315
- "Power On" service action button will now be disabled when the server is already running - case #313
- Added ID parameter to distinguish doubled plan names in the product configuration
- Updated module code to be compliant with the latest OVH API changes
- Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous
- Corrected fulfilling of the email template merge fields and WHMCS product details with server credentials obtained from the OVH email messages by cron job - case #297, #304, #319, #333
- Fixed missing settings that you can choose to display in the "Service Information" tab of the dedicated server in the client area
- Resolved cases when reverse DNS could not be displayed in the IP addresses list
- Other code corrections, language and UI improvements
Released: Mar 25th, 2022- WHMCS V8.3 and V8.4 support
- Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
- Resolved problem with "This service does not exist" error that might have appeared when trying to renew the server - case #305
- Eliminated assorted issues with service creation and renewal that might have been caused by certain "Payment Frequency" settings - case #307
- Minor code corrections
Released: Jul 22nd, 2021- WHMCS V8.2 support
- Support for PHP 7.1 version
- Eliminated asterisk ("*") character that might have shown up in the blank "Server Name" field after cron execution - case #297
- Fixed issue that might have prevented updating rDNS records from the client area - case #298
- Solved problem related to automatic payment for orders in the OVH panel - case #299
- Resolved issues with forwarding emails when using Debian and CentOS 8 with OpenVPN distributions - case #303
- Certain fixes related to products renewals
- Other code corrections and improvements
Released: Mar 17th, 2021- WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support
- The module will now support the OVH renewal functionality - case #289
- Allow or block IPMI access from the client area for dedicated servers - case #271
- Choose which of the specified "Service Information" details should be displayed in the client area - case #271
- Decide whether to enable or disable access to the KVM console from the client area when using "So you Start" or "Kimsufi" brands - case #274
- Added possibility to select "Mailbox Folder" for "Incoming Mail Configuration" that can be used if received emails are set to be automatically filtered and moved to other than the default folder in the inbox - case #268
- Certain OS images available for the server reinstallation can now be blocked using the "blockedImages.json" file - case #257
- Reverse DNS records will be now hidden from IP addresses if they match the OVH server name - case #279
- OVH domains will be now hidden from the server name - case #280
- Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
- Fixed problem with sending emails when the "-linux" suffix has been omitted from "Server Name" - case #261
- Solved issue where "reinstallation" emails instead of "installation" messages might have been sent after the VPS creation - case #269
- Resolved case where password details might have been empty in email messages if the generated VPS password contained a certain special character - case #277
- Fixed issue with fetching "compatible OS templates" instead of "installation OS templates" from API when trying to reinstall the OVH server - case #257
- Other minor code corrections and improvements
Released: Sep 30th, 2020- WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
- Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
- Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
- Fixed "forbidden error (allow IP)" error that might have occurred due to conflicts of "HTTP_X_REAL_IP" and "REMOTE_ADDR" parameters - case #248
- From now the reboot action is performed during the "unsuspend" action only when the option "Action On Service Suspension" is set to "Reboot To Rescue" - case #256
- Resolved "Unable to start a vm already started" error that might have occurred during the "unsuspend" action - case #259
- The "-linux" suffix will be now omitted from the "Server Name" custom field to resolve a problem that might have caused the "This service does not exist" error - case #261
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Jul 9th, 2020- Ordering dedicated servers using just WHMCS - choose from new configuration features such as plan, memory size, disks, networking, licenses, location, and billing commitments
- Create snapshots for VPS - allow clients to capture an image of the server directly from their client area
- Choose operating system licenses for VPS configuration
- Use single "planCodeVpsOsAddon" configurable option for setting "Solution Type", "Operating System", and "Application" options just in one setting
- "Shutdown" button from VPS due to API changes in queries - use the "Power Off" button instead
- VPS "Language" configurable option - no longer supported by API
- Resolved issues with the auto-paying option for OVH services - case #197
- Solved case with lack of options to choose when reinstalling a server - case #198
- Fixed issues with loading the "Data Center Location" list for VPS configuration - case #200
- Corrected generation of configurable options - case #201
- Resolved problem with VPS auto-assignment to hosting - case #208
- Solved "Class 'ModulesGardenServersOvhVpsAndDedicatedApppHelpersAccountServers' not found" exception error that might have occurred when running cron - case #196
- Other code correction and improvements
Released: Apr 29th, 2020- WHMCS V7.10 support
- Minor changes related to the VPS product configuration
- Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
- Fixed issue with not obtaining VPS configurations from API in the product's module settings after the new OVH offer update - case #192
- Resolved compatibility issue with the Hosting Renewal For WHMCS module - case #194
Released: Feb 28th, 2020- WHMCS V7.9 support
- "Prevent System Reinstall" - disable the OS reinstallation on VPS to another system if it was changed by the client during the upgrade - case #177
- Improved listing of available templates for VPS
- Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
- Resolved problems that might have appeared with the enabled "Rescue Reboot" option
Released: Oct 7th, 2019- Test connection for "Incoming Mail Configuration" will no longer result in the "Can't open mailbox" error if "NONE" value was selected in the "Type" field - case #175
Released: Sep 24th, 2019- WHMCS V7.8 support
- Support for WHMCS V7.5 and previous
Released: Aug 27th, 2019- Corrected support for OVH-US endpoint
- "Change Package" module command will no longer cause a dedicated server to be reinstalled
- Resolved a rare issue that might have prevented email messages with server details from being sent by cron - case #164
Released: Jul 1st, 2019- Adjusted output buffering that might have caused the product "Module Settings" not to load on some WHMCS installations - case #154
- Added missing generation of OVH server token "/ip" endpoint to get all the necessary permissions that allow the module to function properly - case #160
- Corrected support for PHP 7.3
Released: Apr 26th, 2019- If the "Consumer Key" is not provided, the module will redirect the administrator to the provider's keys generator page to create it and then fill in the missing data
- Product's "Domain" and "Dedicated IP" fields will be now also automatically filled in after server creation
- If a product is marked as reusable, its "Server Name" field will be now properly cleared on termination - case #152
- Slight adjustments to the upgrade functionality - case #153
Released: Apr 17th, 2019- Stable Release
OVHcloud VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCSguto pedrosa (servcloud) 2 years agothis module helped us manage our servers and streamline all our processes. It's an excellent module! Thank you all
OVHcloud VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCSP. C. (Aaorey) 2 years agoThis module works well and it has lots of features. I have been using this plugin for the last 1 year and have never faced any issue with it. I am very happy with my purchase. I am always happy to buy products from module garden.
OVHcloud VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCSAyoub 2 years agoI've tried the plugin, and just within the 7 days trial period, I've found this plugin is the ideal solution for all my needs.
To be honest, I cannot ask no more than what it already have as features. -
OVHcloud VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCSAmine EL AMRANI (Ultime Hosting) 4 years agoWhat to say, This plugin is just great, it makes it so easy to let customer manage their own servers (which eleminate support requests for reboot and reinstall), also the provisionning option is a great features.
Also it makes server inventory available from the whmcs admin area which is a good option to have.
Very nice module, keep it going guys. -
OVHcloud VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCShost net (se) 5 years agoI used the 7-day version of this module and was happy
And I want to buy a one-year version
Hope this module will have some good updates in the future -
OVHcloud VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCSJames Russell (WebWorx Incorporated) 5 years agoWe use this plugin and I would say it is pretty sleek. We have tried other plugins out in the market but that does not provide provisioning from the time the order is placed. Modulesgarden in terms of service and features they offer with their plugin. We always love to buy more plugins with them compare to the competitors.