Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS
Chosen by 1904 customersSupply virtual servers and allow their close handling. Let your clients remotely access consoles, view usage graphs, manage backups and much more right in WHMCS.
cPanel Extended For WHMCS
Chosen by 1342 customersAutomate the provisioning of web hosting accounts and equip your customers with a diverse array of tools for their extensive management right inside your WHMCS.
Plesk Extended For WHMCS
Chosen by 671 customersProvision customized web hosting accounts through WHMCS in an automated way and allow your clients to remotely manage their FTP accounts, install applications and more.
SolusVM Extended VPS For WHMCS
Chosen by 623 customersAutomate the supply and careful oversight of virtual machines in WHMCS and empower your clients to remotely handle servers, access various consoles and more.
Cloud VPS
Proxmox VE Cloud VPS For WHMCS
Chosen by 675 customersGrant your clients permission to create and freely modify multiple virtual servers within imposed resource limits plus enable them to manage all server components remotely.
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS
Chosen by 431 customersAutomate the provisioning of web hosting accounts and permit your clients to access FTP server, handle files, web applications and other crucial components remotely.
EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS
Chosen by 2747 customersOffer dedicated servers of EasyDCIM in your WHMCS, automate delivery and handling of flexible products as well as empower your clients to oversee ordered servers remotely.
Zimbra & Carbonio Email For WHMCS
Chosen by 368 customersSupply Zimbra and Carbonio accounts and use automated tools in WHMCS, empower your clients to remotely handle mailboxes and aliases, and quickly access webmails.
VPS & Cloud
OpenStack VPS & Cloud For WHMCS
Chosen by 357 customersEnable the provisioning of flexible virtual servers in WHMCS and allow your clients to handle each VPS product remotely: manage backups, access noVNC console and more.
SolusVM Extended Cloud For WHMCS
Chosen by 366 customersEmpower your clients to freely create, resize and upgrade virtual servers within put resource limit, enable remote access to consoles and other profits in WHMCS.
Google Workspace For WHMCS
Chosen by 432 customersProvision and manage Google services set up in a flexible manner and allow your customers the possibility to carry out all handling tasks on their products remotely.
Hetzner Cloud Servers For WHMCS
Chosen by 309 customersIntroduce automation of provisioning for Hetzner servers, allow clients to adjust the status of ordered machines, as well as enter the remote console from your WHMCS.
cPanel Manage2 For WHMCS
Chosen by 298 customersResell cPanel licenses in an automated way, choose between several billing types and allow customers to view the specifics of ordered licenses in your client area.
GoDaddy Domain Registrar For WHMCS
Chosen by 256 customersEnjoy the automation of GoDaddy TLDs and gTLDs provisioning plus allow your clients to handle DNS records, nameservers and other details without leaving your website.
Chosen by 1636 customersProvide customers with SSL certificates, create multiple certificate products at once and define their details, plus allow clients to manage ordered certificates in your system.
DigitalOcean Droplets For WHMCS
Chosen by 230 customersEnable automatic provisioning of Droplets and let your clients remotely toggle their power, shut down or rebuild the machine, create and restore snapshots, and more.
Dedicated Servers
OVHcloud VPS & Dedicated Servers For WHMCS
Chosen by 247 customersSell VPS and dedicated servers supplied by OVHcloud as well as empower clients to control their machines, access the KVM and IPMI console, manage snapshots, and more.
Plesk Key Administrator For WHMCS
Chosen by 168 customersResell assorted Plesk licenses offered as flexible, fully customizable products, handle them closely in WHMCS and give a broad overview on licenses in your client area.
Hybrid Server
Virtuozzo Hybrid Server For WHMCS
Chosen by 192 customersOpen up the way to sell and manage virtual servers in WHMCS automatically plus offer remote access to noVNC console along with plenty of handling tools in your client area.
EasyDCIM Colocation For WHMCS
Chosen by 1248 customersProvide EasyDCIM colocation services and control their basic features in your WHMCS, allow clients to manage power outlets as well as monitor the traffic and power usage.
Office 365 For WHMCS
Chosen by 196 customersPick a simple or extended type of reselling Microsoft Office 365 plans, allow their basic management in the client area, and handle subscription switches and suspensions.
Servertastic SSL For WHMCS
Chosen by 1032 customersSupply SSL certificates to your customers automatically, view their configuration status and handle all features remotely plus allow careful product oversight in your client area.
Chosen by 191 customersSupply and manage Vultr virtual machines in an automated way, empower clients to control the server status, access the noVNC console, and handle other key components.
Amazon Lightsail For WHMCS
Chosen by 158 customersEquip your clients with customized Amazon Lightsail instances, give them fundamental control over owned products and allow to view server usage on graphs.
DirectAdmin Licenses For WHMCS
Chosen by 108 customersProvision, activate and handle DirectAdmin licenses in WHMCS, equip customers with precise product details and let them alter IP addresses assigned to licenses remotely.
Rackspace Email Extended For WHMCS
Chosen by 130 customersAutomate the supply of Rackspace Email accounts offered as customizable products plus enable the remote handling of several account features right in your client area.
Servertastic SSL For cPanel
Chosen by 956 customersProvide your clients with digital certificates, trace configuration progress, select SSL authentication method, set auto renewals and allow product oversight in cPanel area.
Amazon EC2 For WHMCS
Chosen by 131 customersSupply fully customized Amazon EC2 instances to clients, grant them full control over the status of owned machines plus allow them to view server details.
NIC IT Registrar For WHMCS
Chosen by 130 customersImplement the automation of .it domains reselling and management in WHMCS plus offer your clients the freedom to personalize each order and handle renewals of TLDs.
SolusVM Extended Reseller For WHMCS
Chosen by 131 customersProvide your resellers automatically with complete products that consist of specified SolusVM server resources that can be further sold by them to their own clients.
OpenStack Projects For WHMCS
Chosen by 127 customersSell customized OpenStack projects, handle the configuration and role assignment in a remote manner, and offer a useful summary on project details in your client area.
MX Registrar For WHMCS
Chosen by 96 customersResell .mx TLDs automatically, handle registrar commands like auto renewals and domain transfers plus permit your clients to manage their TLDs straight in your system.
R1Soft Backups For WHMCS
Chosen by 112 customersOffer R1Soft Server Backup Manager accounts as packages with various sets of limits and privileges plus let your clients have oversight of their products in WHMCS.
EURid Registrar For WHMCS
Chosen by 126 customersImplement the automated means for .eu domains delivery into WHMCS and let your clients toggle TLDs auto renewals, manage nameservers and more within your system.
Google Cloud Virtual Machines For WHMCS
Chosen by 130 customersDeploy an automated technique of delivering and handling Google Cloud servers and allow clients to remotely adjust the status of ordered machines in WHMCS.
PanelAlpha WordPress Hosting For WHMCS
Chosen by 350+ customersHandle the setup processes for WordPress websites automatically and simplify their management by providing your clients with single sign-on access to PanelAlpha tools.
Proxmox Mail Gateway For WHMCS
Chosen by 171 customersDeliver Proxmox Mail Gateway services to your clients and unlock remote access to essential proxy details and management actions in your WHMCS.
Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure S3 For WHMCS
Chosen by 120 customersBring the automation into the provisioning of Virtuozzo S3 user accounts and manage the limits of operations, bandwidth and storage usage applicable to each product.
Virtual Servers
IBM Cloud Virtual Servers For WHMCS
Chosen by 105 customersProvision fully customized IBM Cloud servers to your clients and grant them the power to remotely control purchased products without leaving your WHMCS.
VPS & Cloud
SolusVM 2 VPS & Cloud For WHMCS
Chosen by 82 customersProvision virtual machines as VPS and Cloud resources, with clients equipped to manage backups and snapshots, reinstall servers, access noVNC console, and do much more.
Virtual Machines
Alibaba Cloud Virtual Machines For WHMCS
Chosen by 103 customersAutomate the provisioning flow for Alibaba Cloud machines, adjust their configuration in full detail, and allow your clients to manage their servers without leaving your website.
PKNIC Domain Registrar For WHMCS
Chosen by 53 customersExperience the automated provisioning of .pk ccTLDs, set up key details remotely, and allow your clients to manage their domains without leaving your WHMCS platform.
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