General Support

Help is on the way! Please provide as many details as possible. This will help us to understand your intentions better and will significantly speed up the process of searching for a solution to your problem. Screenshots and access details to your environment are more than welcome.

Nothing easier! Please provide us with the access details to your system so our support specialists will check the problem directly on your environment and apply the necessary fixes if possible. To proceed, we will need your admin area URL, username and password, FTP account details, as well as other information that will help us to reproduce your problem.

Confidential Data

Please enter all your confidential information into the box below. This message will be encrypted and stored on a secured server for a short period of time. ModulesGarden is not responsible for security of access details and sensitive data provided outside the field below.

Allowed file extensions: .jpg, .gif, .jpeg, .png, .zip, .rar, .txt, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .xlsx, .mp4, .csv, .mov, .json