Plesk Extended For WHMCS will let you automate the provisioning of web hosting accounts, and supply your clients with a whole range of tools for their proficient management at the same time. Thanks to it, the control over accounts is optimized on all levels and takes place nowhere else but inside your system.
With this quality module, your customers will be allowed to remotely handle their FTP accounts, backups, databases, mailboxes, spam filters, DNS settings, and plenty of other key aspects. The bulk of their chores will be streamlined to the max thanks to easy access to mass actions. After selecting from among Softaculous, Installatron and Plesk Application Installer to perform the installation of all favorite applications, your clients will gain the option to create and restore their backups as well. Depending on your preference, you can personally select the applications ready for immediate use after the account creation or, alternatively, let clients have their pick during the ordering process.
As an administrator, you will hold the power to set up and customize ready to sell products directly in your WHMCS. Having a vast collection of features to choose from, you can dynamically adapt your offerings to the ever-changing needs on the market. Along with that, the module's flawless integration with both WP Toolkit and our top-notch WordPress Manager For WHMCS will let you introduce a complete WordPress-aimed toolkit directly into the account management panel for your clients to carry out all kinds of actions on their instances, plugins and backups.
Help your customers feel the thrill of a simple and intuitive, yet supremely efficient dealing with their accounts. Order Plesk Extended For WHMCS and enter a completely new fashion of providing web hosting services.
Admin Area
- Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate Account
- Change Package And Password Of Account
- Log In To Plesk User Panel On Click
- Define Products Configuration:
- Service Plan Name
- Reseller Plan Name
- IP Address Types To Use
- Toggle "Power User" Plesk Panel View
- Toggle Client Details Synchronization
- Create Subscriptions On Single Or Separate Plesk User Accounts
- Define Default PHP Version
- Enable Metric Billing
- Configure Client Area Features Per Product
- Enable And Configure Application Auto Installer To Use Per Product:
- Default Plesk App Installer
- Installatron
- Softaculous
- Generate Auto Installer's Applications Configurable Options
- Configure Multiple Product Features And Settings At Once
- View All Plesk And Plesk Extended Products And Servers In One Place
- View All Plesk Extended Server Configurations In One Place
- View All WHMCS Clients Linked With Plesk Customer Accounts In One Place
- Define Server Custom URL Of Panel And Webmail
- Log In To Plesk Administrator Panel On Click
Client Area
- Remote Access And Management Of:
- Addon Domains
- Applications
- Backups (Up To Plesk 17.5)
- Databases - MySQL And PostgreSQL Support
- Domain Aliases
- DNS Settings
- Email Addresses
- Email Forwarders
- FTP Access
- Git Repositories
- Log Rotation
- Node.js
- PHP Settings
- Spam Filter - SpamAssassin (Up To Plesk 17.5)
- SSL Certificates
- Subdomains
- Web Users (Up To Plesk 17.5)
- WordPress Manager - Separate Module Required
- WordPress Toolkit
- One Click Login To:
- Backup Manager
- Plesk
- Webmail
- WP Toolkit
- Change Account Password
- Remote Access And Management Of:
Application Auto Installer
- Ordering Process:
- Auto Install Chosen Application After Account Creation
- Auto Install Application Chosen By Client During Order - With Configurable Options
- Allow Custom Settings Of Auto Installed Application - With Custom Fields
- Client Area:
- Install New Applications With Installatron, Softaculous Or Default Plesk App Installer
- View And Manage Installed Applications
- Backup Installed Applications
- Perform Auto Backups Upon Application Updates By Installatron
- View And Manage Created Backups
- Restore Applications From Backups
- Delete Applications Along With Their Backups
- Ordering Process:
General Info
- Utilizes Ajax Loaded Pages
- Supports SSO Into Panel And Webmail
- Integrated With Advanced Billing For WHMCS - Actual Server Resource Usage Billing
- Integrated With IP Manager For WHMCS - Complete Control And Easy Assignment Of IP Subnets
- Integrated With Server Allocator For WHMCS - Automatic Assignment Of Most Suitable Servers To Products
- Integrated With WordPress Manager For WHMCS - Remote Installation And Management Of WordPress Instances
- Fully Integrated With Lagom WHMCS Client Theme
- Multi-Language Support
- Supports Windows And Linux
- Supports Plesk Onyx And Plesk Obsidian
- Supports PHP 8.2 Back To PHP 8.1
- Supports WHMCS Metric Billing - Integration: Domains, Subdomains, Domain Aliases, Mailboxes, Databases, Additional FTP Accounts, Storage, Traffic
- Supports WHMCS Server Sync Tool
- Supports WHMCS Themes "Six" And "Twenty-One"
- Supports WHMCS V8.12 Back To WHMCS V8.9
- Requires ionCube Loader V14 Or Later
- Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version
Released: Mar 18th, 2025- WHMCS V8.12 support
- When triggering the terminate action on a separate account with multiple webspaces, a notice to delete them first will be shown - case #671
- Requires ionCube Loader V14 or later
- Support for WHMCS V8.8 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.4 version
- Resolved incorrect customer relations in the database after importing an existing Plesk account into WHMCS, which caused management issues - case #671
- Eliminated "Unsupported operand types: string + null" type error that could occur when running the daily cron job - case #668
- Resolved problem which may cause incorrect URL redirects when accessing the addon module from the WHMCS "Addons" menu - case #672
- Fixed issue causing a "Duplicate entry" SQL error that could appear when creating a secondary Plesk account for a single client with the "Separate Plesk User" setting disabled - case #670
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Aug 20th, 2024- WHMCS V8.11 support
- Support for PHP 8.2 version
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
- Solved problem with editing email forwarding where each destination field incorrectly contained the value from the first forwarder - case #661
Released: Jun 19th, 2024- Option to specify a custom port in the URL address for the "Log In To Panel" configuration of server settings - case #653
- Maintenance update and stability optimizations
- Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
- The module will no longer create redundant cookie files in the module's folder
- Resolved conflict with the WordPress Manager For WHMCS module that caused the "client does not exist" error when enabling the "Separate Plesk User" option in the Plesk product configuration - case #657
- Solved issue where the applications were missing for installation when using the Installatron auto-installer - case #645
Released: Jan 24th, 2024- WHMCS V8.9 support
- The domain for WP Toolkit instance creation will be now selected from the dropdown menu instead of being entered manually - case #617
- Added missing translations for single options in the WP Toolkit section
- Eliminated "TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string" error occurring during the execution of the WHMCS daily cron - case #616
- Disabled PHP versions in Plesk will no longer be available for selection in the client area settings - case #621
- Fixed PHP fatal error that could occur in the "client:plesk:delete" cron when executed on PHP 8.1 - case #626
- Corrected PHP notice error that could appear in sever logs when using the "Change Password" functionality on PHP 8.1 - case #629
- Optimized code and eliminated errors that might occur when executing "TenantUsageMetrics" and "UpdateServerUsage" cron jobs on PHP 8.1 - case #628
- Solved problem where additional required fields did not appear for specific application installations, such us WordPress, when trying to install them using the default auto installer - case #630
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Oct 17th, 2023- Solved issue with buttons, in the "One Click Login" section of the client area, that were inaccurately associated with corresponding features in the addon module - case #610
- Eliminated a specific case that could cause a blank page to appear
Released: Aug 2nd, 2023- WHMCS V8.8 support
- Clients can now view, install, and manage their WordPress instances using the WP Toolkit solution from the dedicated section in the module - case #35
- Added support for one-click login to Plesk WP Toolkit
- Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
- Eliminated a number of PHP errors that could be caused by the ionCube encoder - case #542
- Fixed problems with domains that contained an "id" phrase in their names - case #538
- Solved error that could occur when the module tried to obtain the applications list from Softaculous before that was installed on the Plesk server - case #548
- Resolved problem with several PHP extensions missing for installed Softaculous application when the "http://" protocol was used - case #549
- Eliminated specific array errors that occurred when trying to use WHMCS cron with the "--TenantUsageMetrics" parameter on PHP 8.1 - case #547
- Corrected issue with updating WHMCS "Disk Limit" and "BW Limit" statistics, which previously might display negative values - case #544
- Resolved specific admin area errors caused by PHP 8.1 support - case #539
- Fixed "Unable to create hosting. IP address does not exist in client's pool" error that could occur for specific server credentials - case #533
- Enhanced validation to prevent the use of forbidden characters when creating a database
- Corrected the automatic population of the "Document Root" field when creating a subdomain
- Solved problem with displaying long "TXT" values of DNS records on "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme" - case #545
- Eliminated "TypeError" that could show up in WHMCS activity log records - case #543
- Fixed case with multiplying products on the features list in addon modules when the products use shared configurable options - case #541
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Mar 9th, 2023- WHMCS V8.7 support
- Single sign-on (SSO) support for the Plesk Backup Manager - case #516
- Current usage of available quota for a mailbox will be now displayed on the email accounts list - case #518
- Option to edit the email account description
- Change the email forwarders' destination and use mass actions to delete numerous items at once
- Added support for the creation of the "CAA" DNS record type
- The "1" priority value may be now set for the MX DNS record type - case #486
- Additional validation for not allowed characters when creating the database user password
- Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.3 version
- Fixed problem with creating a PostgreSQL database due to an incorrectly specified role
- Resolved issues with the mass delete action of the FTP accounts
- Eliminated "TypeError: Illegal offset type" notice that might have appeared in the usage update when performing the daily cron job - case #526
- Fixed issue with obtaining email accounts if two services with the same domain and username exist in WHMCS - case #519
- Resolved case when the list of available applications might not have been obtained for Softaculous auto-installer configuration - case #522
- WHMCS "Other" product type will be now correctly supported when creating a Plesk service - case #524
- Eliminated "Integrity constraint violation" error that might have shown up after another try to create the service after failure, with the "Separate Plesk User" option enabled - case #528
- Solved assorted problems with PHP 8.1 support that might have caused errors during the cron job execution, change package, or creating a new service actions - case #520, #521
- Other minor code corrections and improvements
Released: Oct 20th, 2022- WHMCS V8.6 support
- Support for PHP 8.1 version
- Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
- Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.2 version
- Fixed cases when the module incorrectly processed keys returned from the API, generating errors into the module logs - case #490
- Eliminated number of errors generated into the "tblerrorlog" database table - case #503
- Other minor code corrections
Released: May 5th, 2022- WHMCS V8.5 support
- Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
Released: Jan 21st, 2022- WHMCS V8.4 support
Released: Oct 13th, 2021- Native integration with the WordPress Manager For WHMCS module
- Added option to set the "Default" role when creating PostgreSQL database users
- Resolved problems with deleting addon domains and SSL certificates in bulk
- Escape ">" action character will be now allowed when creating a repository
- Fixed error that appeared when generating an SSL certificate with a specified number of bits, that was recognized as an invalid value due to not being supported by API
- Other code, language, and UI corrections
Released: Sep 29th, 2021- WHMCS V8.3 support
- Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
- Added "None" option for the "Default PHP Version" field to prevent service creation errors if PHP support was disabled for configuration of subscriptions - case #439
- Using cron account synchronization will no longer require the "Synchronize Client Details" option to be checked in product configuration - case #443
- Eliminated "Owner does not exist" error that might have occurred when trying to create one of the doubled services with the same domain - #451
- "Remote Usage Stats" on the servers list in the admin area will be now updated properly when performing specified WHMCS automation tasks - case #453
Released: Jun 14th, 2021- WHMCS V8.2 support
- Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.1 version
- Eliminated error notice that could have appeared when using IDN domains in certain module forms - case #440
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Feb 10th, 2021- WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support
- PHP Settings - allow clients to use custom PHP version and configurations per website
- Log Rotation - configure log rotation conditions by their size or time for every client's domains
- Added "Redirect With HTTP 301 Code" option to domain aliases
- Added additional tooltips in DNS records settings
- Adjusted displaying "Weight" field for SRV DNS record
- Home directory can now be edited for FTP access
- Added additional values for the "Bits" option when configuring an SSL certificate
- Plesk metadata of its version, load, licenses, and last update time is now displayed on the WHMCS servers list - case #388
- Added "Use As Login To Plesk" option toggle when creating an email account
- Added support for the "Description" field in email addresses
- Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
- Adjusted loading module's custom language files for administrators - case #397
- Resolved problem with adding email forwarders if the email account with the given name already exists - case #963
- Fixed issues with WHMCS accounts synchronization - case #389
- Eliminated "The patch of the domain you selected could not be found" error that might have occurred when the "Synchronize Client Details" option was disabled for the Softaculous installer
- Solved "Call to undefined method..." errors caused by unsupported Symfony libraries - case #422
- Corrected certain security issue
- Many other UI adjustments and minor code corrections
Released: Aug 19th, 2020- WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
- Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
- Minor code corrections
Released: Jul 9th, 2020- From now if the "Separate Plesk User" option is enabled, the module will also delete users from Plesk along with the last hosting termination on their accounts - case #355
- Added optional synchronization "run.php client:plesk:delete" cron command for the Plesk clients' list that will search for already deleted accounts on the server and will also remove them from the WHMCS addon module list - case #360
- Added optional "cron.php secretKeys:delete" cron command that can delete all keys from the Plesk panel and "PleskExtended_Accounts" database table to allow each account to create a new key if the "Invalid secret key usage. Please check logs for details." errors occur - case #350, #362
- Fixed issue with using merge fields for the server settings in the addon module configuration - case #356
- Resolved problem with using "Separate Plesk User" along with "Default PHP Version" setting of the product configuration - case #353
- Solved case with JavaScript that might have caused problems with loading module's sections on certain WHMCS installations - case #354
Released: Apr 24th, 2020- New Feature: WHMCS V7.10 support
- Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
- Resolved problems related to "The specified item is invalid" error that might have occurred for newly created accounts - case #348
Released: Mar 4th, 2020- Support for built-in WHMCS "Metric Billing"
- Support for built-in WHMCS "Server Sync Tool" as well as to accounts synchronization using CLI
- Define default PHP version that will be set for Plesk accounts - case #294
- API requests are now unified and use tokens instead of services' usernames and passwords to resolve various problems once they are changed - case #311, #320
- Minor UI and language adjustments
- Added missing support for the "Change Package" module command for product addons - case #306
- Resolved issues with refreshing database lists of users after creating or deleting related database
- Critical errors will no longer appear while trying to update client's profile after deactivation of the Plesk Extended addon
- "Auto Installer" and "Apps/Configurable Options" fields will no longer be disabled when "Install Applications" is switched off so the "Auto Install On Creation" feature could work properly
Released: Dec 18th, 2019- WHMCS V7.9 support
- Plesk Obsidian 18.0 support
- Git Repositories support - allows clients to create and deploy their local Git repositories
- Node.js extension support - clients can enable and set the selected Node.js version for their addon domains
- Added additional protocol validation when configuring the custom server's "Log In To Panel" URL - case #254
- Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
- Corrected missing validation of the proper email address format for the "Address to Forward" field when creating a new email forwarder - case #284
- Fixed lack of an account name when changing an email password
- Minor UI adjustments
Released: Oct 17th, 2019- New Feature: WHMCS V7.8 support
- Added support for dedicated IP address configurable option as in the built-in Plesk module - case #288
- Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
- Fixed support for "Plesk Plan Addons"
- Solved problem that could have prevented the list of applications being retrieved from Plesk - case #271
- Adjusted upgrading process of previous module versions - case #272
- Resolved problem with the "Change Password" module command processed from admin area that did not update the "PleskExtended_Accounts" table in database - case #273
- Corrected updating resource usage statistics - case #274
- "Test Connection" of server details will now work properly on WHMCS V7.8 - case #278
- Adjusted URL address to the documentation in the downloaded applications list - case #279
- Resolved issues with synchronizing Plesk accounts details with WHMCS clients - case #290
- Fixed "Element 'id': '' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'id_type'" error that could have occurred when suspending the reseller type of account - case #292
Released: Jul 24th, 2019- "Separate Plesk User" option - decide whether to create the next client subscription on the same or separate Plesk user account
- "Log In To Control Panel" button in the admin area
- The module now functions independently, i.e. is no longer based on the default Plesk module built in WHMCS
- Access to the "SSL Certificates" section for the "Reseller Account" type has been disabled due to the discontinuation of Plesk support
- Resolved problem with edition of DNS MX record type - case #258
- Minor code corrections
Released: May 23rd, 2019- Added verification if product settings are set for reseller, if so, some features will be limited due to their inaccessibility for this type of account - case #251
- Default Plesk auto installer will be now unavailable for the reseller account type - case #256
- If the product is not linked to any server, the attempt to access the list of services in the "Features" section will no longer end with a critical error - case #255
Released: Mar 27th, 2019- Set up and edit multiple products' features and settings using bulk configuration component - case #150
- View the list of WHMCS users linked with Plesk customers and their account details in the module addon - case #23
- Auto-generate configurable options for Auto Installer's applications list
- Support for PostgreSQL type of created databases
- PHP 7.3 support
- Fields in the new SSL certificate generation window will now be filled in by default with the client's profile details
- Added support for deleting certificates using mass action
- Added option to change the addon domain name while editing it
- Added support for "Redirect with the HTTP 301 code" option for "Web Service" toggle when creating a new domain alias
- Added option to enter multiple destination addresses for a single email forwarder
- When creating a new addon domain, the latest supported PHP version will be now selected by default
- When creating a new subdomain or domain alias, the main hosting domain will be now selected by default and the rest will be sorted alphabetically
- Auto Installer's applications' lists and groups will be now sorted alphabetically
- When creating a new subdomain, the document root path will be now dynamically filled in based on the entered name and domain selection
- Support for WHMCS V7.4 and previous
- Changing the password for the main FTP account will now be disabled due to the inability to change it through API - case #161
- Resolved connection issues with API when using complex passwords with certain special characters - case #159
- Corrected URL to module documentation in generated Auto Installer's applications list file
- Fixed problem that might have caused an issue with auto login to chosen Plesk server from the module addon's "Dashboard" section
- Corrected UI glitch when expanding certain groups of Auto Installer applications list
- Switching off "Unlimited Quota" option when creating a new email will no longer cause the remaining mailbox domains in the dropdown to disappear
- Solved problem with SQL error when using the search box in module addon's "Dashboard" and "Features" sections
- Domains inaccessible for Softaculous Auto Installer will no longer be displayed in the dropdown to select when installing a new application
- Resolved issues with proper display of the client area in case the module license expires
- Many other code tweak-ups and UI corrections
Released: Sep 14th, 2018- You can now use the {$domain} variable to configure the "Log In To Webmail" address - case #145
- The addon domains will be now returned based on the subscription (webspace), not from the whole account
- SSO feature will now properly use the Plesk hostname instead of the IP address
- Resolved issue with a mailbox not being enabled by default after creation
Released: Aug 14th, 2018- Resolved problem with creating only the alias instead of an actual mailbox when adding a new email address - case #151
Released: Aug 3rd, 2018- You can now use WHMCS service's username and password fields to manually import the hosting from the Plesk panel
- Resolved problem that might have caused an invalid server selection based on the wrong serverID parameter
- Hostname, if given, will be now used first by the SSO instead of the IP address
- Fixed problem with permissions that might have occurred while creating an FTP account with the admin API
Released: Jun 29th, 2018- Minor tweaks to the migration of configuration from the previous module versions
- Resolved problem that may have caused a license to remain invalid after reissuing
Released: Jun 20th, 2018- Completely rewritten code
- Rebuilt module user interface
- Perform bulk actions on various records in most of the client area sections
- View the creation date and disk usage for addon domains
- View the quota for email addresses
- Increased loading speed of databases list
- Update and rename domain aliases
- Set spam filter settings for all emails belonging to a client's Plesk account in a single section
- Assorted language adjustments
- Softaculous Auto Installer support
- Choose the forwarding hosting type and PHP handler for addon domains
- Provide FTP storage settings for the remote backups upload
- Choose the database user role: read only, write only or both
- Support for WHMCS V7.1 and previous
- Cron setup is no longer required
- Various code corrections and adjustments
Released: Jun 6th, 2018- Partial support for Plesk Onyx 17.8 (with the exclusion of Backups, FTP Access, SpamAssassin and Web Users due to API limitations)
Released: Apr 13th, 2018- WHMCS V7.5 support
- PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support
Released: Feb 5th, 2018- Eliminated security flaw allowing the users to list and manage FTP accounts that do not belong to them
- Surmounted error with the server connection occurring when the password contains the '&' character
- Solved 'Call to a member function list_backups()' error that could have appeared in the error logs
- Resolved compatibility problem that might have resulted in displaying the 'Smarty: Plugin tag "print_button" already registered' error
- Removed SQL errors displayed when using the 'Copy Configuration' feature
Released: Jul 31st, 2017- WHMCS V7.2 compatibility
- Increased strength of generated passwords by including custom characters
- Adjusted server connection using SSL mode
- Corrected updating of resource usage statistics
Released: May 25th, 2017- Application Autoinstaller for predefined application selection or configurable options list
- 'Backups' section to create, schedule, manage and download backups
- 'Spam Filter' section to manage SpamAssassin rules
- 'FTP Access' section now supports additional accounts creation and management
- Added automatic password generation in the Application Installer
- Admin password is now pre-filled with a client's email address in the Application Installer
- Added error notification in the client area in case of server connection problems
- Domain entry field has been converted into a dropdown list instead of a text input field in 'SSL Certificates' section
- Errors during installing an application no longer affect a product creation process
- Corrected unnecessary slash requirement in application location path input
- Corrected display of records at 'Databases' tab
- Resolved missing display list of newly created MySQL users
- Surmounted SSID reading problem occurring with subsequent instances of Plesk in a single client account
- Minor code refinements and appearance tweaks
Released: Feb 10th, 2017- Optimized compatibility with other modules
- Prevent from displaying unwanted SQL queries in client area
- Corrected permission problem with 'Log In To Plesk' button
- Fetch webmail URL per server instead of from old configuration
- Code adjustments to avoid various issues related to 'PDO Wrapper' error
Released: Feb 8th, 2017- Plesk Onyx support
- Corrected 'Information' and 'Change Password' links in sidebar menu
- Resolved problem with 'SQLSTATE Duplicate entry' issue
Released: Nov 21st, 2016- Corrected compatibility with WHMCS V7
Released: Nov 9th, 2016- PHP 7 support
- Minor tweaks
Released: Oct 7th, 2016- WHMCS V7 support
Released: Sep 16th, 2016- Update information about disk and bandwidth usage of hosting
- Code clean up
Released: Aug 22nd, 2016- Connect with server when password contains special characters
Released: Jul 22nd, 2016- Toggle automatic WHMCS user account export to a Plesk server
Released: Jul 13th, 2016- 'DNS Settings' page - handle creation of DNS records
Released: Jun 22nd, 2016- DNS management - add DNS record without providing the record name
Released: Jun 8th, 2016- Install applications using Installatron Plesk plugin
- Manage app backups - Installatron auto installer
- Restore app from backup - Installatron auto installer
Released: Jun 1st, 2016- Display configuration of multiple Plesk servers on a single page
- SSO support - log in to panel and webmail with a single click
- Support for MySQL and PostgreSQL database types
- Display quota of email accounts
- Toggle 'Power User' Plesk panel view
- Display user guide for fresh installation of the module
- Multi-language support
- Clarify hostname format for new DNS records
- User interface refinements
- Defining custom URL of panel and webmail moved to the 'Server Configuration' page
- Use custom server port
- Create a new client using full client address
- Prevent from overwriting email forwarders
- Prevent creation of email account along with email forwarder
Released: Apr 22nd, 2016- SSL certificates - support for self-signed SSL certificates
- Withdraw support of WHMCS v6.2 and later for Plesk v9 and v10
Released: Dec 22nd, 2015- Manage Web Users
- Manage SSL Certificates
- Manage Addon Domains
Released: Dec 2nd, 2015- New client area template
- New addon module view
- Minor fixes and optimization issues
- Rebranded from Parallels Plesk Panel Extended For WHMCS to Plesk Extended For WHMCS
Released: Jul 17th, 2015- WHMCS V6 support
Released: Aug 29th, 2014- Improved security and license validation
Released: Jun 10th, 2014- Support for Parallels Plesk Panel 12.0
- Support for WHMCS Plesk 11
- Management of applications for subdomains and addon domains
- Support for Parallels Plesk Panel 11.5
- Bug Fixed: Problem with 'Change Password' action
Released: Oct 3rd, 2013- Improved admin area interface
- Improved client area interface
- Fixed display bugs
- Fixed minor client area bugs
- Fixed problem with mailbox size limit
- Fixed problem with logging into panel accounts in the client area
Released: Sep 17th, 2013- Added new field 'Log In Domain or IP' allowing you to set a different URL used to log in to Parallels Plesk Panel from your WHMCS client area
- Minor fixes and improvements
Released: Aug 9th, 2013- Added support for Parallels Plesk Panel 9 and Parallels Plesk Panel 11.5
- Added Application Installer
- Improved interface of the client area
- Improved interface of Plesk Extended Functions
- Fixed problem where user can not create a new Email Forwarder when the email account with the same name already exists
- Fixed incorrect setup of quota value when new email account is created
- Fixed problems with DNS records management
Released: Mar 19th, 2013- Support for WHMCS V5.2
- Fixed auto refresh subdomains after create
- Added list of domains for each subscriptions
- Added ftp accounts for each subscriptions
- Fixed bug where customers couldn't have multi subscriptions
- Fixed bug with wrong directory to file emailforwarders.js
Released: Mar 8th, 2013- Support for WHMCS V5.2
- Fixed auto refresh subdomains after create
- Added list of domains for each subscriptions
- Added ftp accounts for each subscriptions
- Fixed bug where customers couldn't have multi subscriptions
- Fixed bug with wrong directory to file emailforwarders.js
Released: Jan 23rd, 2013- Stable Release
Business Scenarios
Curated application list for automatic installationCurated application list for automatic installationRead More
Plesk Extended For WHMCS allows customers to choose from a list of applications when placing an order. After the service is activated, the selected applications are automatically installed, allowing customers to start using them immediately without the need for manual setup.
Plesk Extended For WHMCSAshkan Mohammadi 6 months agoFirstly we needed separate users for different Plesk hosting orders on the same WHMCS Client account, and become familiar with ModuleGarden Plesk Extended Module. but after using it for the first year, It's become one of our "must have" modules. We enjoyed the robustness and great support from ModuleGarden. and now It's about 5 years the we use the module integrated with WHMCS.
Plesk Extended For WHMCSEligijus J. (MB Emitos sprendimai) 1 year agoVery good plugin ;) Everything works fine.
Plesk Extended For WHMCSHoussam Chergui (EURL HOST ARTS) 2 years agoI highly recommend the Plesk Extended for WHMCS! it makes the user experience much easier for our clients in addition to the ability to create separate subscriptions which the default plugin does not provide. Really solves all our issues.
Plesk Extended For WHMCSElevator Star (UpliftingHosting) 3 years agoPleskExtended is exactly what I needed. It is really easy to use. My customers like it, as well.
Plesk Extended For WHMCSRodrigo Soares (Ntweb Internet) 4 years agoI have been using this module for a long time, facilitating the administration of the Plesk server. Installation and configuration is quite simple, so I recommend using it. Highly efficient team to help with possible problems.
Plesk Extended For WHMCSRavi Raj (ServerPoet) 4 years agoIt's nearly 6 months and still using the module.. a great enhancement into WHMCS to provide features directly into WHMCS without logging into Plesk panel.