The brilliance behind Products Reseller For WHMCS lies in its capability to equip your WHMCS with a full toolkit for reselling your products, tracking income and handily managing your reseller groups. The module also features its own API aimed at allowing your resellers to offer products within any other chosen platform.
As a provider, once you configure the main product in WHMCS and create your own integration module to be installed by resellers in their systems, you will possess the ultimate freedom of handling all details of your reseller network, and setting up different pricing rates for each group individually. With equal ease, you will access valuable graphs and billing summaries on income generated from reselling your products, change their time scope, and even single out the products you are interested in.
Your resellers will effectively oversee all key information on orders placed by acquired clients who, at the same time, will be empowered to carry out remote actions on obtained products. What qualifies for a special mention is the wide-scale integration of Products Reseller For WHMCS with other modules. When connected with Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS, end clients will be able to perform additional operations on their Proxmox instances from within the account management panel. Moreover, the choice of resold products can be extended further with SSL certificates through the combination with GoGetSSL For WHMCS. Thanks to EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS your resellers’ offers will be enriched with EasyDCIM-powered servers. As yet another bonus, end clients will be invited to buy the OpenStack resource packs by means of the connection with OpenStack Projects For WHMCS.
Products Reseller For WHMCS is just the power boost your company needs to overtake the competition in a great style. Go for the module today if you aspire to expand the circle of satisfied audience, and let your products be marketed with fierce efficiency, global scale and unrivaled comfort!
- View Resellers And Products Income Statistics
- View Most Profitable Resellers And Latest Invoices
- Create And Manage Resellers:
- Assign To Dedicated Group
- Assign Client's Account
- Generate Access API Key
- Restrict Access To Specific IP Addresses
- Allow API Access
- Define API Limits Interval And Requests
- View Reseller's Orders And Income
- Convert Clients To Resellers With Provisioning Module
- Create And Manage Groups:
- Allow API Access With Defined Permissions
- Allow Access To API Documentation
- Send Low Credit Notification
- Enable Automatic Top-Ups
- Select Reseller Pricing Method:
- "Override" With Custom Pricing Per Product
- "WHMCS" With Default WHMCS Pricing
- Provide Promotion Code For WHMCS Pricing Method
- Define Payment Collection Type:
- After Product Creation
- After Order Placement
- Set Product Renewal Limits Per Billing Cycle
- Create Products Provisioning Integration Modules For Resellers:
- Define Name And Description
- Attach Documentation
- Assign Offered Products For Resellers
- Define Pricing For Each Product Extension And Their Configurable Options:
- For First And Recurring Payment
- For Each Billing Cycle
- For Each Currency
- Enable Dedicated Integration For Products:
- Proxmox VE VPS
- EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers
- OpenStack Projects
- cPanel
- DirectAdmin
- Plesk Key Administrator
- WHMCS Licensing Addon
- Softaculous Virtualizor
- SSL Certificates
- Create Response Templates To Overwrite Products API Responses Displayed To End Clients
- Configure Default Settings:
- Toggle Global API Status
- Toggle Global API IP Restriction
- Toggle Global API Requests Restriction
- Define Default Group Settings:
- Enable Low Credit Notifications After Defined Amount
- Choose Payment Type
- Block Unsuspend Action For Provided Reasons
- Select Successful Actions To Be Skipped In Logs
- Select Available Payment Methods For Automatic Top-Ups
- Set Product Renewal Limits Per Billing Cycle
- View API Request And Response Logs
- View API Documentation
- Access Dedicated Reseller Area
- View Products Orders
- View Products And Their Configurable Options Pricing
- Access Reseller Settings:
- View Available Account Credits
- Access API Details:
- View Available Credentials
- View/Generate API Key
- View/Modify IP Addresses Restrictions
- Select Top-Up Payment Method And Define Its Amount
- Download Products Reseller Integration Module
- Download Provider Documentation
- View API Request And Response Logs
- View API Documentation
End Clients
- Manage General Products Using Module Commands:
- Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate
- Change Password
- Upgrade
- Renew (Within Assigned Limits)
- Manage Proxmox VE VPS Products Via Dedicated Integration:
- Get VM Details
- Start VM
- Reboot VM
- Stop VM
- Reinstall VM Using:
- OS Templates
- ISO Images
- Access VM Console:
- noVNC
- Xterm.js
- Spice
- Get VM Graphs
- Manage EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers Products Via Dedicated Integration:
- Get VM Details
- Start VM
- Reboot VM
- Stop VM
- Get VM Graphs
- Manage OpenStack Projects Products Via Dedicated Integration:
- Get Project Details
- Log In To Control Panel
- Manage cPanel Products Via Dedicated Integration:
- Log In To Control Panel
- Manage DirectAdmin Products Via Dedicated Integration:
- Log In To Control Panel
- Manage Plesk Key Administrator Licenses Via Dedicated Integration:
- View License Details
- Manage WHMCS Licensing Addon Via Dedicated Integration:
- View License Details
- Reissue License
- Manage Softaculous Virtualizor Products Via Dedicated Integration:
- Get VPS Details
- Start/Reboot/Stop/Power Off VPS
- Access VNC Console
- View Bandwidth Usage Graphs
- Change Password
- Manage WHMCS SSL Certificates Products
- Use Synchronized Configurable Options With Products
- Use Synchronized Product Custom Fields With Products
- Manage General Products Using Module Commands:
API Functionality
- Get Available Credits
- Get Version
- Test Connection
- Get Products List
- Get Custom Fields Values
- Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate Product
- Upgrade Product
- Renew Product
- Change Product Password
- Start/Stop/Reboot Server
- Get Server Details
- Get Server Graphs
- Reinstall Server
- Access noVNC/Xterm.js/Spice Console
- Get Server Templates
- Proceed SSL Certificate Step One/Two/Three
- Get SSL Certificate Info
- Post Submodule Custom Action
- Access One Click Login
General Info
- Transactions Between Resellers And Provider Settled With Credits
- Integrated With cPanel And cPanel Extended For WHMCS - Complete Provisioning Automation And Remote Management Of Web Hosting Accounts
- Integrated With DirectAdmin And DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS - Provision Accounts In Fully Automated Manner With Single Sign-On Option
- Integrated With EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS - Provision And Manage Dedicated Servers Of EasyDCIM Automatically
- Integrated With GoGetSSL For WHMCS - Provisioning And Remote Supervision Of Personalized SSL Certificates
- Integrated With OpenStack Projects For WHMCS - Automated Provisioning And Supervision Of OpenStack Projects
- Integrated With Plesk Key Administrator For WHMCS - Provision Various Kinds Of Plesk Licenses
- Integrated With Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS - Fully Automated Provisioning And Management Of Virtual Servers
- Integrated With Softaculous Virtualizor - Deploying And Managing VPS On Servers With Single Click
- Integrated With WHMCS Licensing Addon - Reselling Licenses For Own Web Applications
- Integrated With WHMCS SSL Certificates - Reselling Certificates Through Modules Using Basic WHMCS API
- Multi-Language Support
- Supports PHP 8.2 Back To PHP 8.1
- Supports WHMCS Themes "Six", "Twenty-One" And "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme"
- Supports WHMCS V8.12 Back To WHMCS V8.9
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 Or Later
- Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version
Released: Jan 13th, 2025- WHMCS V8.12 support
- "Renewal Limits" - set how many renewals in advance resellers' end-clients can make for your products for each specified billing cycle - case #446
- "Pricing Method" - specify whether to customize pricing for each service in the addon module group, overriding the existing settings, or use the default prices configured in the WHMCS product settings - case #447
- "Promotion Code" - apply WHMCS promotion codes to provide discounts to resellers when using the WHMCS pricing method - case #447
- Optimized loading speed for "Most Profitable Resellers" and "Latest Invoices" data on the module's "Dashboard" - case #439
- Adjusted admin messages when redoing terminate, suspend, or unsuspend action on services with matching statutes - case #440
- Updated the "User-Agent" API parameter from "GuzzleHttp/7" to "ModulesGarden - Products Reseller" to simplify API request whitelisting - case #430
- Support for WHMCS V8.8 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.4 version
- Corrected misspelled "resut" key that was returned instead of "result" when querying the API response - case #422
- Addressed specific issue that might have caused the "Call to undefined method" error when loading Bootstrap framework for the API - case #425
- Resolved issue with duplicated OS reinstallation templates when using Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS integration - case #433
- OS templates from other nodes will no longer be displayed for reinstallation when the "Search for Templates on All Nodes" option for Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS integration is disabled - case #433
- Resolved problem with "(...)ProvidersResellerProvider::getResellerByUserId(): Argument #1 ($uid) must be of type int, string given (...)" TypeError that could occur when creating an integrated product - case #441
- Corrected password validation for special characters (e.g., &) during server reinstallation with Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS integration - case #426
- Adjusted API "Reinstall" and "Get Templates For Reinstall" calls
- Other minor code corrections and language adjustments
Released: Oct 23rd, 2024- WHMCS V8.11 support
- Support for PHP 8.2 version
- Option to automatically charge resellers with predefined top-up amounts via the selected payment gateway when a new order or renewal is placed and there are insufficient credits in their accounts - case #429
- Maintenance update and stability optimizations
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
- Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
- Corrected issue that caused settings tooltips not to display
- Fixed problems with the configuration of certificates from GoGetSSL For WHMCS module
Note: New generation of integration is required to apply fixes - Resolved case that could prevent integrations from being downloaded - case #435
- Other minor code corrections and language adjustments
Released: Aug 16th, 2023- WHMCS V8.8 support
- Dedicated integration with EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS 2.2.0 version and later
- Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
- Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
- Resolved problem with the GoGetSSL For WHMCS synchronization when using SSL connection and PHP 8.1 - case #387
- Eliminated issue that might have caused problems with loading the "Reseller Area" on certain configurations - case #388
- Fixed case where the "Start", "Stop" and "Reboot" actions might not be functional with the Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS integration - case #391
- Solved problem where a product with the first payment pricing set to "0.00" could not be provisioned if the reseller did not have any credits in their credit balance - case #389
- Other minor code corrections and UI adjustments
Released: Mar 22nd, 2023- Server can now be reinstalled using OS templates and ISO images with Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS module integration - case #343
- Added "noVNC", "Xterm.js" and "Spice" console types support for Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS module integration - case #370
- Minor code refactoring and other corrections
Released: Feb 24th, 2023- WHMCS V8.6 and V8.7 support
- Support for PHP 8.1 version
- Provisioning module support - allow clients to automatically become resellers within a specific group by ordering a dedicated product - case #371
- Create a list of suspension reasons, if any has been used in the provider's WHMCS, the unsuspend action on the reseller's store will be blocked - case #277
- Added single sign-on (SSO) support for DirectAdmin and DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS modules - case #346
- Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
- Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.3 version
- Fixed issue that occurred when generating configurable options with a bracket sign in the option name - case #348
- Resolved problems with correct loading of the module settings caused by hidden JavaScript files - case #354
- Corrected "Cannot redeclare getadminpermsarray()" error that could occur on certain WHMCS instances - case #368
- Eliminated numerous errors generated into "tblerrorlog" database table
- Other minor coded corrections
Released: Jun 20th, 2022- WHMCS V8.5 support
- Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous
- Assorted corrections related to SSL domain certificate synchronizations - case #322
- Fixed problem with injecting hooks if there was a dot in the module name - case #326
- Minor compatibility corrections with Lagom Client Theme 2.1.x - case #326
- Eliminated problem that might have caused the "The csrf tokens do not match!!" error when trying to execute the module actions with "Softaculous Virtualizor" integration - case #329
- Fixed case where the wrong order could be canceled if an exception occurred when another order was placed at the same time - case #333
- Added missing information about configurable options to the API models documentation - case #339
- Other minor code corrections and improvements
Released: Feb 2nd, 2022- WHMCS V8.4 support
- Dedicated integration with the WHMCS "Licensing Addon" module
- Added option to choose which of the success module actions will be omitted in the module logs to make them more clear
- Reseller can now select the billing cycle which will be used to bill products ordered in the provider's WHMCS, so the reseller's product billing cycle may now differ from the provider's one
- The integration modules will now use the same framework with better UI for product configuration as the main addon module
- Test connection with provider's API can now be performed by the reseller when configuring the integration module
- The way of setting up new ingratiation packages - reseller will now need to set up WHMCS "Server" and "Server Group" to establish API connection first instead of providing all credentials in the product "Module Settings" (note: this is required for the newly generated integration modules only)
- After the product upgrade, the new recurring price will be now properly taken based on the module pricing settings instead of the WHMCS settings - case #282
- Eliminated "Cannot redeclare getadminpermsarray()" PHP error that occurred when the WHMCS POP and PIPE crons were used - case #218
- Fixed problems with product upgrade that had shared configurable options assigned - case #273
- "Server/VPS" product type will now properly return service hostname and nameservers prefixes - case #299
- Other code corrections, language and UI adjustments related to supported module integrations
Released: Dec 6th, 2021- Assorted corrections related to the product "change package" action when using configurable options
- Resolved problems with sending emails and generating a CSR when the GoGetSSL For WHMCS integration is used
Released: Dec 1st, 2021- Dedicated integration with the Softaculous Virtualizor module
- Added support for "withpricing" parameter to "product" API endpoint that allows filtering the products with or without the pricing set
- Added missing validation whether a reseller, trying to order a product with paid configurable options, has sufficient credit balance - case #239
- Corrected graphs date filtering when using EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS integration
- Eliminated redundant "actionSsoLogin" API requests when having configured cPanel integration
- "Unsuspend" action will no longer be allowed if the reseller has not paid for the suspended service - case #248
- Other minor code corrections and improvements
Released: Oct 1st, 2021- WHMCS V8.3 support
- Resolved rare case where action buttons in the client area might have stopped working after the product termination and its re-creation - case #228
- Fixed problem with using configurable options if their multiple groups were only partly assigned to the product - case #237
- Eliminated exception errors that might have occurred when using WHMCS "POP" and "PIPE" crons on WHMCS V8.2 - case #218
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Aug 25th, 2021- Dedicated integration with the Plesk Key Administrator For WHMCS module - case #225
- Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
- If a product does not support the "getInfo" module action, the module will now better handle that kind of exception - case #222
- Fixed problem with passing chosen configurable options to the admin panel when their names differed by white characters in the reseller panel - case #223
- Resolved issue with saving the "Product" field in settings of the reseller's integration module if its name ended with a white character in the main WHMCS - case #224
- Eliminated "Action is not allowed" error that might have occurred for cPanel integrations in the end-client area
- Other slight code and language corrections
Released: Jul 21st, 2021- Added single sign-on (SSO) support for cPanel and cPanel Extended For WHMCS modules
- Adjusted requests and responses in the API logs to be more precise and contain additional queries - case #209, #216
- Disabled email notifications when applying credits to invoices - case #214
- Configurable options pricing will no longer be shared between different product groups in the addon module - case #217
- Eliminated "Cannot redeclare getadminpermsarray() in on line 0" error that might have occurred when running cron POP and PIPE tasks on WHMCS with the integration package installed - case #218
- Resolved problem with pricing in the "First Payment" and "Recurring" fields that did not include the amount from configurable options - case #219
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Jun 28th, 2021- Improved module performance by caching certain product details requests
- Added support for custom API endpoint calls
- Fixed problems with loading product details for the module without native integration - case #215
- Resolved issue with doubled orders if product auto-setup was turned on - case #205
- Corrected problem with obtaining pricing for configurable options that had certain billing cycles disabled - case #212
- Eliminated problems with generating double requests from an integration package to the module's API
- Removing products from WHMCS will no longer cause problems with listing products in the addon module - case #210
- Fixed issue with loading "Smarty" assets in the integration module - case #209
- "Service Status" will now properly display a product status in "Reseller Area" instead of its order - case #207
- Other minor code corrections and improvements
Released: Jun 17th, 2021- WHMCS V8.2 and "Twenty-One" theme support
- Allow resellers to offer products with the support of WHMCS "Configurable Options" and set their pricing to gain profits based on each created field - case #116
- Resellers' integrations can now support WHMCS "Product Custom Fields" with provider's product synchronization - case #136
- Dedicated integration with EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS module
- Dedicated integration with OpenStack Projects For WHMCS module
- Added support for WHMCS "Apps & Integrations" section for generated product integration
- Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.1
- Fixed problem with saving allowed products' actions when configuring integration package
- "Change Password" will no longer be shown in the end-client area for the integration that does not support this functionality
- Eliminated "PDOStatement" errors that might have occurred when running daily metrics usage cron - case #169
- Many other code corrections and improvements
Released: Jan 20th, 2021- WHMCS V8.1 support
- Integration with GoGetSSL and GoDaddy SSL For WHMCS modules that allows resellers to offer SSL certificates to their end-customers
- Universal support for SSL certificate modules that use standard WHMCS API requests
- Fixed certain integration issues with Proxmox VPS For WHMCS (note: usage graphs might still be missing)
- Slight code adjustments
Released: Oct 19th, 2020- WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
- Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
- Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
Released: Jul 10th, 2020- Resolved problem with the "Cannot read property 'addDefaultComponent' of undefined" error that might have occurred when trying to load the module's content - case #110
Released: Apr 22nd, 2020- WHMCS V7.10 support
- Added support to set the "one time" pricing billing for offered products
- Added toggles to change response templates statuses directly from their list
- Minor UI adjustments
- "Refund Type" configuration - due to problems how WHMCS handles refunds, from now upon unsuccessful product creation, the module will simply not take any credits from the reseller account
- Fixed problem where the order status could not be changed from "Pending" to "Active" after the successful product creation on the end client side
- Assorted corrections related to regular expressions used for API "Response Templates"
- Resolved problem with switching from "Graphs" to "Change Password" client area section in Proxmox VPS product integration
- Solved problem with invalid execution of the "create" action twice when both the "Automatic Credit Use" and "Automatically setup the product as soon as the first payment is received" options were checked - case #104
- Fixed the "Invoice Not in Unpaid Status" error that might have occurred when the "First Payment" pricing was set to 0.00 value and the "Automatic Credit Use" option was disabled - case #105
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Mar 11th, 2020- Stable Release
Products Reseller For WHMCSAlexis Garcia (Netgocios Cia Ltda.) 2 years agoThanks for update.. please we need SSO for plesk too..
thanks -
Products Reseller For WHMCSAdam Lee 3 years agoThis integration module works perfectly for your reseller who run WHMCS to tap on the API to resell your solution to their clients without any coding work involve.
Products Reseller For WHMCSHamza ElBayed (Digital Define Est. For I.T.) 4 years agoTo be honest, no hosting business can give the full potential of reselling without this module.
The level of freedom to provide your services to the reseller at a discounted price and allowing them to select what and how to sell your services using white label is amazing.
This is a must have module if you are looking to provide a reseller or a partner program with your clients.
Customer service and after sales service of ModulesGarden is amazing, they are a friendly bunch of people and they do not make you feel as you are their client, to them, you are a friend, and you are treated the same way.